[alt.sources.d] Question re .net ethics

dfs@doe.carleton.ca (David F. Skoll) (10/02/90)

I have some questions about .net ethics.

If I post an original program to alt.sources, is it ethical for me to post it
as "shareware" - ie, use it, but if you continue to use it, you must
register it and pay?  I don't think most people would go for this.

Is it OK to say "Here it is, enjoy, you have no obligations.  However,
if you want to make a donation, I would welcome it."

Or is it necessary to simply post with no obligations and no mention
of payment?

Please reply via email.  I'll summarize replies after a week.  Thanks.
David F. Skoll        | Department of Electronics | Opinions expressed here are
dfs@doe.carleton.ca   | Carleton University       | my own and not necessarily
(613) 788-5771 | 5772 | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada   | those of my employer.

jon%vector0@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US (A Product of Society) (10/07/90)

dfs@doe.carleton.ca (David F. Skoll) writes:

> I have some questions about .net ethics.
> Is it OK to say "Here it is, enjoy, you have no obligations.  However,
> if you want to make a donation, I would welcome it."
> Or is it necessary to simply post with no obligations and no mention
> of payment?

    A real good quote from the excellent documentation of FRACTINT
(Fractal plotter, the best):

    "Don't want money.  Got money.  Want recognition."

    If I wrote a nifty program, sure I'd want money...  But you shouldn't
get it here.  The 'net was made by sharing, and people wanted to
become famous (a household-unix-word, in a way).  Get some recognition
by posting it to the 'net, get money from other sources.  It'll make
you feel a lot better.

> Please reply via email.  I'll summarize replies after a week.  Thanks.

    We don't need no stinkin' summaries. :)

> David F. Skoll        | Department of Electronics | Opinions expressed here a
> dfs@doe.carleton.ca   | Carleton University       | my own and not necessaril

Jon                           ..?$!..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!vector0!jon
Save Our Hero, BIFF           Internet: vector0!jon@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

    .signature awaiting virtual-reality