[alt.sources.d] Make of CDXBBS under Dynix

clive@aisnet.uucp (Clive Chinery ) (02/09/91)

I attempted to make the gdxbbs bbs recently posted to alt.sources by Jay Snyd,
 on a Sequent Symmetry under V3.0.12 Dynix
with the makefile set up for SYSV (make was run in ATT universe not BSD)
and had the following problems:
1> cc objected to the -M3e & -K arguments --> blanked out in makefile
2> inc.h could not find sys/poll.h        --> commented out poll.h in inc.h
3> cc -o <object list> gave the following error
   ld:/usr/local/lib/libtinfo.a cannot open
   Any suggestions from Dynix experts how to get around this?
regards Clive *****************************************************************
*************** Tel +44-71-379-4812 Fax +44-71-497-3079                       *
*  Plunder    * email clive@aisnet.uucp                                       *
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david@torsqnt.UUCP (David Haynes) (02/12/91)

clive@aisnet.uucp (Clive Chinery ) writes:

>I attempted to make the gdxbbs bbs recently posted to alt.sources by Jay Snyd,
> on a Sequent Symmetry under V3.0.12 Dynix
>with the makefile set up for SYSV (make was run in ATT universe not BSD)
>and had the following problems:
>1> cc objected to the -M3e & -K arguments --> blanked out in makefile
>2> inc.h could not find sys/poll.h        --> commented out poll.h in inc.h
>3> cc -o <object list> gave the following error
>   ld:/usr/local/lib/libtinfo.a cannot open
>   Any suggestions from Dynix experts how to get around this?

Try this Makefile


# GDXBBS Makefile
#   GDXBBS V1.0 (beta)
#   (C) 1990
#   Jay A. Snyder
# flags
# note: I have only ported this to AT&T SYSV R.3.1 and SCO Xenix SysV
# please send diffs required to make it work under BSD 4.[23], V7
# or any other flavour of unix (or other OS).  Note that most of the
# things require modification will be the termio stuff
# uncomment the following if using SCO Xenix Sys V
# uncomment one of the following lines
# uncomment the following line if your compiler conforms on ANSI

# uncomment the following line if you have stdlib.h:

# uncomment the following lines for using GNUS's GCC
#CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/lib/gcc-include -O  \
 $(FLAVOR) $(ANSI) -traditional

#LFLAGS = -g
#CFLAGS = -c -O -M3e $(FLAVOR) $(ANSI)
#LFLAGS = -s

# termcap library
#TERMLIB = -ltinfo -ltermlib
#TERMLIB = -ltermlib
TERMLIB = -lcurses

# curses libaray /* curses not currently used */
# CURSES = -lcurses 

# other libs
#LIBS = -lx

CSOURCES = main.c menu.c misc.c error.c cle.c parse.c funcs.c chat.c spawn.c\
	users.c bulletin.c config.c file.c who.c quest.c script.c\
	mail.c packmsg.c atout.c term.c env.c areas.c sig.c priv.c
# forkkbd.c

HSOURCES = config.h  defs2.h inc.h termdefs.h defs.h global.h structs.h


OBJ = main.o menu.o misc.o error.o cle.o parse.o funcs.o chat.o spawn.o\
	users.o bulletin.o config.o file.o who.o quest.o script.o\
	mail.o packmsg.o atout.o term.o env.o areas.o sig.o priv.o
# forkkbd.o

gdxbbs: $(OBJ)
	$(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o gdxbbs $(OBJ) $(TERMLIB) $(CURSES) $(LIBS)
	chown david gdxbbs
	chgrp sequent gdxbbs
	chmod +s gdxbbs

main: main.c global.h

PACKSRC = packmain.c
PACKOBJ = packmain.o

packmsg: $(PACKOBJ) packmsg.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) packmain.c
	$(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o packmsg $(PACKOBJ) $(LIBS)
	chown bbs packmsg
	chgrp bbs packmsg
	chmod +s packmsg

packmain.o: packmain.c packmsg.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) packmain.c

dist:;	make tar
	make lzh
	make bintar
	make binlzh

tar:;	rm -f *~ callers.bbs utmp.bbs gdxbbs.tar.Z gdxbbs.tar
	tar fcv  gdxbbs.tar REL* *.DOC .emacsmail $(CSOURCES) $(HSOURCES) \
		Makefile *.bbs sysop sysop.cfg *.mcl *.src *.help \
	compress gdxbbs.tar

lzh:;	rm -f *~ callers.bbs utmp.bbs gdxbbs.tar.Z gdxbbs.tar gdxbbs.lzh
	lharc a  gdxbbs.lhz REL* *.DOC .emacsmail $(CSOURCES) $(HSOURCES) \
		Makefile *.bbs sysop sysop.cfg *.mcl *.src *.help \

shar:;	rm -f *~ callers.bbs utmp.bbs gdxbbs.tar.Z gdxbbs.tar gdxbbs.lzh
	shar -ngdxbbs -ac -L50 -ogdxbbs REL* *.DOC .emacsmail \
                $(CSOURCES) $(HSOURCES) \
		Makefile *.bbs sysop sysop.cfg *.mcl *.src *.help \

bintar:; rm -f *~ callers.bbs utmp.bbs gdxbin.tar.Z gdxbin.tar
	strip gdxbbs
	tar fcv gdxbin.tar REL* *.DOC .emacsmail gdxbbs packmsg *.bbs sysop sysop.cfg *.mcl *.src
	compress gdxbin.tar

binlzh:; rm -f *~ callers.bbs utmp.bbs gdxbin.tar.Z gdxbin.tar
	strip gdxbbs
	lharc a gdxbin.tar REL* *.DOC .emacsmail gdxbbs packmsg *.bbs sysop sysop.cfg *.mcl *.src
David Haynes	Sequent Computer Systems (Canada) Ltd.	 david@torsqnt.UUCP
Next week we will be discussing the Canadian High Tech industry. We will be
visiting both companies and talking with all eight people involved. -- C.R.