[rec.music.gaffa] Latest tope on the _obsK._2_ project

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (06/24/89)

Really-From: IED0DXM%OAC.UCLA.EDU@mitvma.mit.edu

 To: Love-Hounds
 From: IED
 Subject: Latest dope on the _obsK._2_ project

     _obsKuriTies_2_ Tape Project List:

     1. Scott Crumpton    $ 6.50 + $2.00
     2. Stephen Carter    $ 8.50
     3. Mark Semich       $ 6.50
     4. Stephen Tynor     $ 6.50
   5/6. Peter F. Hill     $13.00 (x2)
     7. James Mathiesen   $ 8.50
     8. Tracy L. Roberts  $ 8.50
     9. Michael Mendelson $10.00
    10. John Relph        $ 6.50
    11. Julian West       $ 6.50
    12. Pete Hartman      $ 6.50
    13. Peter Shirley     $10.00
    14. Maitland Bottoms  $ 6.50
    15. Carol Kulik       $ 8.50
    16. Rod Armstrong     $ 6.50
 17/18. Sam Bell          $13.00 (x2)
    19. Garry Berg        $10.00
    20. Ben Fine          $ 6.50
*   21. A. J. Kok         $10.00
    22. Mike Whitman      $ 6.50
    23. John Precedo      $10.00
    24. Laura Clifford    $ 6.50
    25. Nancy Everson     $ 6.50
    26. Tamar Newberger   $ 6.50
    27. Robert Rice       $ 6.50
*   28. Mikki Waucomont   $10.00
 29/32. David Steiner     $26.00 (x4)
    33. Corey Lofdahl     $ 6.50
    34. William Moran Jr. $10.00
    35. Daniel Vanevic    $ 6.50
    36. Mark Champine     $ 6.50
    37. Thomas Rumland    $ 8.50
*   38. John Lilley       $10.00
    39. Michael Scott     $10.00 (plus 1 blank TDK SA-90)
*   40. Teemu Rantanen    $10.00
    41. John Ward         $10.50 (no envelope)
*42/43. James Smith       $25.00 (x2)
    44. Steven McGee      $ 6.50
 45/46. John Kruper       $  ?   (x2--must check amount he sent)
    47. Jim Fowler        $ 6.50
*   48. Roger Mach        $10.00
 49/50. Schonberger/Haug  $17.00 (x2)
 51/52. Dave Heath        $13.00 (x2)
    53. Dan Ts'o          $ 6.50
    54. Barbara Petersen  $ 6.50
*   55. Norvald Stol      $20.00 (excess to charity)
*   56. David Brown       $20.00 (for one copy!)
 57/62. Vicki Mapes       $39.00 (x6)
    63. Doug MacGowan     $ 8.50
    64. Barth Richards    $ 6.50
    65. Robert Kelley     $ 6.50
    66. Robert Gardner    $ 8.50
 67/69. R. J. Caley       $25.00 (x3)
    70. Larry Hernandez   $ 0.00 (complimentary)
*   71. Peter Dahl        $10.00
    72. Melanie Caughron  $ 8.00
    73. Stephen Jacquot   $ 6.50 + $ 2.00
*   74. Goran Larsson     $25.00 (will get bonus)
*   75. Philip Smyth      $10.00
*   76. Martin Hanley     $10.00
    77. Scott Lindsey     $ 7.00
 78/81. Doug Alan         $34.00 (x4)
    82. Christer Lindh    $ 7.00
    83. Mark Brown        $13.00
    84. Ray Radlein       $ 6.50 (_much_ appreciated, Ray!)
    85. Lee Hounsell      $ 8.00
    86. Darryl Cate       $ 6.50
    87. Vishal Markandey  $ 6.50
    88. Randy Smith       $ 6.50
    89. Stephen Bloch     $13.00 (Presumably for 2 copies of the tape?)
    90. Stephen Glennon   $ 6.50       (total through no. 90: $751.50)

NOTE TO JAMES SMITH: Your first envelope _did_ arrive, as did the second!
Now what do you want IED to do with the extra one? Which one should he
return with the cassette? (i.e. which form of capital is easier for you
to convert back into Aussie $?)

NOTE TO EVERYONE: The above list includes _only_ those whose orders
have actually been _received_. It does _not_ include those whose
orders have been promised only, but this does not mean that IED
doubts your word!
     Also, IED would just like to add that he regrets his premature
outburst about how few interested Love-Hounds there seemed to be out
there. 90 people have now gone to the trouble (and taken the risk) of
sending money to a total stranger through the mail, based only on the
unconfirmed word of the recipient that a tape is forthcoming. That's
actually a number to be proud of, and IED applauds you. And there're
still seven days left for late-comers to get their orders in.
     Now, quite a few of you sent IED more money than is required.
In some cases the excess will be needed to pay for return postage
(especially on the overseas orders), but until IED takes the whole
bunch of tapes to the post office he will not know how much of the
overseas excess will be needed. In the case of those overseas
people who sent along a ten-dollar bill, the amount that may remain
after return postage will be pretty minimal, but IED may just send
it back to you anyway--to keep as souvenirs of America, perhaps!

-- IED