[rec.music.gaffa] Tape list update

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (07/05/89)

Really-From: IED0DXM%OAC.UCLA.EDU@mitvma.mit.edu

 To: Love-Hounds
 From: IED
 Subject: Tape list update

     Apologies to Art Liestman for temporarily dropping him from the
posted list. He hasn't been forgotten, however. Here are the last
people to have got their orders in on time. People whose orders were
not received by the deadline of Monday, July 3, will not be included
in IED's stage of this project. Above all, do _not_ try sending in
orders now. ANY order received from now on will be _SENT_BACK_.
     Remember, though, that IED will (probably) not be the only
Love-Hound from whom the tape can be obtained. There (probably)
will soon be 136 others. If you are too late for this particular
project, try persuading one of the more timely Love-Hounds to make
a dub for you.

    124. Art Liestman      $ 6.50
    125. Richard Kwong     $15.00
    126. Robert Krovetz    $ 6.50
    127. Dan Hall          $ 6.50
    128. Tom R. Loden      $ 6.50
    129. Scott Stenberg    $ 6.50
    130. Clemens Dorfner   $10.00
    131. John Siwko        $ 8.50
    132. Duane Day         $ 8.50
    133. Rick Harris       $10.00
134/136. Watson/Brey/Juday $19.50
    137. Randy Orrison (no tape order: name on Katemas card only)

-- IED