[rec.music.gaffa] more KaTe biTmaps

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/08/89)

Really-From: David Osborne <cczdao%clan.nottingham.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>

    Love-Hounds wanTing biTmaps of KaTe who have InTerneT fTp access
mighT liKe To checK ouT the colleKTion at xanth.cs.osu.edu [],
where there are the following images...

45883 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.ega.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
29340 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.live.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
47165 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.neverforever.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
47647 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.ruth.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
42977 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.thedreaming.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
33915 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.thekickinside.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z
111741 May 19 17:43 KATE_BUSH.wholestory.1152x900.mono.Z
45129 Jul  4 11:53 KATE_BUSH.wholestory.320x200.8bit_grey_scale.Z

login as anonymous and you'll find them in the images/ directory.

    most of these are Sun 8bit greyscale rasters stored in compressed
form (don't forget "type binary" in ftp before using "get"!).  Sun
users should have no problems, except for displaying the images on a
mono monitor: run them through rasfilter8to1 first, to reduce the 8bit
data to 1bit.  the big Whole Story image is 1bit already.
    for display under X, you'll first need access to a Sun to reduce
the depth of the image using rasfilter8to1, giving a 1bit raster.
then use Jeff Poskanzer's pbm package to convert from the 1bit raster
to portable bitmap format using rasttopbm and finally into X bitmap
format using pbmtoxbm, ready for display using xsetroot.
    by far the best image is the 1152x900 mono picture from the Whole
Story, which gives marvellous results on my 19" mono display under X;
it takes a very long time to run xsetroot, however (i thought my
workstation had hung).  the 320x200 images naturally have a non-square
aspect ratio.  you'd need to use some other tools to change this (like
the fbm package, perhaps... i haven't yet had time to try it.  if you
know how to do this, or know a way of displaying greyscale images in
X, please let me know.)

here's a note of what's what:

	looks like a picture of KaTe sitting next to a PC (hence the EGA?) ???
	the Babooshka cover
	(from the "mini-LP" available in the UK as a US import (MLP-19004) )
	cover of the album, i guess... can't really see it in mono at all
	KaTe as archer, from the RuTH 12" single cover
	album cover (with title)
	the US KaTe-in-the-box cover, not the UK original
	portrait from the Whole Story cover -- magnificent!
	small ditto, but loses lots of detail on a mono X display

finally, the images are maintained by scott@cs.odu.edu, to whom many thanks!


PS: UK Love-Hounds who have difficulty obtaining these, drop me a line
    and we'll see what arrangements we can make.

     David Osborne       |   JANET: d.osborne@uk.ac.nott.clan
 Cripps Computing Centre |  BITNET: d.osborne%uk.ac.nott.clan@ukacrl.bitnet
University of Nottingham |Internet: d.osborne%uk.ac.nott.clan@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
 Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK  |  (Phone: +44 602 484848 x2064)

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/08/89)

Really-From: Jonathan Flamm <jef@apple.com>

I was trying to get pictures for the MAC.  Is the source code available
for rasfilter8to1?  I have downloaded all of the pictures and tried to
convert using the a sun to mac conversion tool.  The tool will not convert
color and the mono picture caused an error towards the end of the conversion.
Jonathan Flamm
Apple Computer

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/10/89)

Really-From: Richard Caley <rjc%aipna.edinburgh.ac.uk@NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK>

Is there any possibility of these images being made available in the UK
over JANET?

rjc@uk.ac.ed.aipna		    Stay alert,
				      Trust nobody,
					Keep your laser handy.

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/11/89)

Really-From: aicchi!dbb@i88.isc.com (Ben Burch)

If you get them, would you consider uploading them to GENIE?  Or,
mail me a disk, and I will do it!

-Ben Burch
Home Address:    668 Forest Ave.
                 Elgin, IL 60120