paul@uiucuxc.UUCP (02/23/84)
#N:uiucuxc:11500005:000:1218 uiucuxc!paul Feb 22 17:53:00 1984 <bug food> I am interested in information regarding broadband LAN. The University of Illinois has strung a campus wide CATV cable accessible from most of the buildings. Length of the cable is on the order of 10 to 20 km. The hardware of interest would connect to an RF modem and provide some well known interface at the computer bus, e.g., DR-11/W for DEC Unibus. The hardware would do all of the low level network handshaking (token passing, address recognition, CRC checks, etc.) and preferably some of the higher levels. As an ultimate I would like to see the TCP/IP code, either in PROMs or downloaded from the host on system reset, executed by an on-board processor. At this time I have the following list of companies making broadband (not necessarily token passing) equipment: Concord Data Systems Proteon Sytek Ungermann-Bass Any particular comments on their products are requested. Please don't send requests for copies of the responses. Any significant replies will be summarized and posted to net.lan. Paul Pomes uucp: {decvax,ihnp4,pur-ee,ucbvax}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!paul US Mail: Paul Pomes, University of Illinois 1304 W Springfield, Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: 217-333-6262