Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (09/26/89)
Really-From: To: love-houndS from: andreW marvick (ied) SubjecT: explanaTion; new kT phone number; and buSh baSh updaTe juST To clarify: ied'S poSTing of yeSTerday ("unghh...") WaS noT a groan of diSappoinTmenT. iT WaS a groan of deliriouS ecSTaSy. any Love-Hound (or oTher SpecieS of KaTe BuSh fan) Who WiSheS may noW call The folloWing number and receive a Special meSSage To WheT Their appeTiTeS even furTher Than did The laST previeW Telephone SurpriSe. inTrigued? Try The number! here'S a hinT: iT'S a number ThaT KaTe FanS ExTraordinaireS chriS and vickie, of KanSaS CiTy, mo, SeT up, juST To help bring more fanS TogeTher. remember Vickie? She haS a dynamiTe radio ShoW on every SaTurday nighT (10-midnighT) in KanSaS CiTy, called "SuSpended in gaffa". The number iS (816) 561-0846. alSo, vickie SayS ThaT anyone Who callS can STay on The line afTer The meSSage endS, and leave a meSSage on The machine. In facT, She encourageS you To leave your commenTS, and if you WanT, your name and number. iT'S parT of The ongoing efforT To enTice more people To Try reaching ouT... -- andy marvick (Who juST can'T Seem To puT hiS feeT doWn yeT!) p.S.: There Will be a PARTY To celebraTe The neW KaTe BuSh album. The daTe Will be SomeTime in The laTTer half of OcTober, and The locaTion Will be ied'S home in LoS AngeleS (Though The hearT of The parTy Will of courSe be in eaST Wickham). SpecificS To folloW aS Soon aS They have been deTermined. ied hopeS all Who come Will enjoy a Simple evening of Shared celebraTion of The infiniTe, miraculouS World of K A T E B U S H .