[net.lan] Error Detecting Codes

don@allegra.UUCP (D. Mitchell) (03/29/84)

Subject: error detecting codes

Here are the results of an experiment to test the quality of various
error detecting codes.  Numbers below are failures to detect errors out
of 131072 tests on 128-bit messages.  All error codes are 16 bit except
the PUP which is 32.

		Number of Bits Incorrect
Protocol   1     2     3     5     8    13     26	Method

X.25        0     0     0     0     5     0     3	CRC 16
TCP/IP      0  3699   337    94    19     6     5	1's comp. sum
PUP-I	    0  2925   256    62    17     0     0	sum and rotate
Brand X     0  7327     0     0   100     0     5	16 parities
uucp     7687  3353   913   141    40     4     3	Ad Hoc
(hash)	    0     0     9     2     2     0     0	modulo 65521
(crypto)    4     1     3     4     1     3     2	DES CBC


A good error code means more than a good hashing algorithm.  DES is a
nearly perfect hash, but fails to detect 1-bit errors.  CRC, in addition
to being a good hash, detects ALL small-number-of-bits errors.

UUCP is terrible!  Its error code was tested as a hashing function, but
not as an error code, from what I have heard.

TCP and PUP error codes are fast to computer.  Mod 65521 and DES are too
expensive to really use.  CRC can be done faster than many people realize.
Note that mod 65521 is mathematically related to CRC, and is almost as

gwyn@brl-vgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn ) (03/31/84)

That was very interesting.  You mean people really implement important
communication protocols with such lousy ECCs?  I thought everyone in
that corner of the business had at least read Hamming's book on the
subject.  Tsk, tsk.

Richard Lary told a funny story about the Chinese mathematician DEC
kept around and let out of the closet just long enough to design an
ECC for them whenever they needed one.  The Digital Storage Architecture
is supposed to have a phenomenally good ECC as a result.