jaap@haring.UUCP (04/06/84)
Yes, the DEUNA transceiver is not compatible with for instance 3Com. To quote from the ``Blue book'', The Ethernet, Version 1. Page 8, Chapter 4, Functional model of the Ethernet Architecture: Tranceiver cable interface: ... Since it is desirable for the same transceiver to be usable with a variety of stations, a second compatibilty interface, the transceiver cable interface is defined. While conformance with this interface is not strictly necessary to insure comunication, it is highly recommended, since it allows maximum flexibility in intermixing transceivers and stations. Well, the cables turn out to be compatible, (the DEC cable as delivered had a short, so we are using an 3Com cable) but the transceivers are not pin-compatible. So the incompatibility is according to the standard. If you have mixed hardware and want to shift machines around, you will likely end up shifting transceivers as well. Great, something we always wanted. Jaap Akkerhuis. (mcvax!jaap)