[rec.music.gaffa] Kate Videos?

franceee@CLUTX.CLARKSON.EDU (Eric France) (12/04/89)

The little booklet thing in TWS CD shows three videotapes of Kate stuff.
Does anyone know how to get these if they are not available at 
your local video store? (ie mailorder?)  I know this sounds as if I'm somewhere 
uncivilized, but that's only because I am.

You know, I really wouldn't mind, if, in a shameless attempt to make
money, EMI released all the 12" single material on 3.5" CDs.  Jon, is
this the media they used for TWW, or did they put it on 5.25"?

Eric France                      (franceee@clutx.clarkson.edu)
"Don't ever think that you can't change the past and the future.
 You might not, not think so now,                                __
 But just you wait and see -- someone will come to help you." -- |<

jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (Jon Drukman) (12/05/89)

In article <1989Dec4.020317.8240@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> Eric France <franceee@clutx.clarkson.edu> writes:
>You know, I really wouldn't mind, if, in a shameless attempt to make
>money, EMI released all the 12" single material on 3.5" CDs.  Jon, is
>this the media they used for TWW, or did they put it on 5.25"?

both This WOmans Work and The Sensual World singles are on 5.25"
compact discs in slim-line jewel boxes.  The price of an import 5.25"
single is ridiculously high (although I'm told that it's even worse in
Boston, sorry |>oug, you turkey!).  For comparison's sake, an import
CD-3 is approx $7.20 or so plus tax, and a Cd-5 is $9.19 plus tax.
One can clearly see that the TWW and TSW singles cost me more than the
whole damn album did on CD.  And I bet there's gonna be at least one
more single... Sigh. 

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ----------------------+
|  |   |\       | jsd@gaffa.mit.edu | "Suck on this,                          |
| \|on |/rukman | jsd@umass.bitnet  |       planet of noise bimbo!"           |

kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) (12/07/89)

jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (Jon Drukman) writes:
| both This WOmans Work and The Sensual World singles are on 5.25"
| compact discs in slim-line jewel boxes.

Who knows where I can get them in the SF bay area?  Where where!?!
<slaver drool>

And in case anyone cares, I was slightly disappointed the first few
listens to TSW.  It is growing on me tho.  And I'm sorry, but I can't
offer any concrete, musically solid reasons _why_ I was disappointed,
it was just a feeling I had.  If that makes me vapid or cretinous, sobeit.

   |||   Ken Badertscher  (ames!atari!kbad)
   |||   Atari R&D System Software Engine
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