rossi@NUSC.NAVY.MIL ("ROSSI JOHN") (12/14/89)
Although I haven't actively contributed to this group for some time, I have kept up reading Love-Hounds as frequently as possible. Thank you Doug for keeping me on the mailing list. I was actually quite serious about Wicinski and Hofmann in the last posting. Over the last couple of years (since Doug actually got this thing together on a regular basis again) I have noted that much of the individuality of the typical Love-Hound's comments are gone. Maybe its because the current contributors to this list are intimidated by a little honest criticism, or maybe these people are just dull and boring as a way of life. Well, jeepers mister moderator, I didn't really mean to offend anybody's feelings, after all everybody knows that now that those nasty contributors have been culled from our ranks, we all live very perfect little lives in adoration of our one and only true savior, Kate. The 80s are thankfully gone. It's time to wake up now... Shit, IED your defensive comments almost cause me to puke (Many remember that it is one of my true expert talents). You're correct, Andy, you may never grow up, and you may never finish your degree, either. Four years of useful KB info (and a lot of non-useful KB info, I mean how many Love-Hounds really care whether or not you have been doing classified research into the Enquirer's speculation that the supreme Godess uses Stay-Free Mini Pads as opposed to a more classic tampon). To defend all the pathetic things you have said you bring back Reich, and his works as a model which you consider somehow a good role. Reich, committed the gravest of all sins when he pushed off his fantasies as scientific truth. No one faults Reich for being a loon. Few critics independent of equally lame thinking clinical psychologists belittle him for his theories concerning mental states and the influence of external forces. What people fo loath Reich for was his use of science ]and its philosophical pureness to defraud any of his believers. In many ways Reich is much more like L. Ron Hubbard than Sigmund Freud. Similarly, IED (or Andy, I personally don't buy the alter ego shit), you have intellectualized your feelings concerning subjective materials in an attempt to defraud anyone who would listen to you into forced agreement. In a nutshell, Marvick, You are really Fucked up. I'm the last one who would seriously suggest that anybody actually grow up. Similarly, I believe that no person should be censored for anything, no matter how stupid, insulting or deceiving it may be. However, in a responsive manner, opposing viewpoints should be stated. Also, they sgould be stated as the author sees fit. So to all existential jack offs (sic) who would rather read nice stories about nice people ince situations, ignore the reality of constructive criticism, and kiss up to intellectual assholes, why don't you read Harlequin Romances, they appear to be better suited to your actual mentality. John