[rec.music.gaffa] Kruel irony: ied shoT down by own pop idol


 To: Love-Hounds
 From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
 Subject: Kruel irony: ied shoT down by own pop idol

   As though she had been listening in on the recent argument
in Love-Hounds, Kate Bush said in the new VH-1 interview: "_Nature_
is perfect. Anything we human beings do can never really be perfect."
   Hmm...IED will need a little time to find a way out of this mess...

-- Andrew Marvick

nrc@cbnews.UUCP (12/13/89)

>  To: Love-Hounds
>  From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
>  Subject: Kruel irony: ied shoT down by own pop idol
>    As though she had been listening in on the recent argument
> in Love-Hounds, Kate Bush said in the new VH-1 interview: "_Nature_
> is perfect. Anything we human beings do can never really be perfect."
>    Hmm...IED will need a little time to find a way out of this mess...
> -- Andrew Marvick

This is the sort of trauma that has been known to send alternate 
personalities into permanent remission. :-)

I was disappointed to hear Kate relate some of Reich's work as fact, 
e.g.  "he could make it rain."   Does she really believe this or was 
she omitting details for the sake of brevity?  (Sorry, it sounds like 
the group has been through this before but I've only achieved reliable 
news access as of this month). 

Would anyone care to speculate on whether we owe a visibly more weathered 
Kate to the beloved tobacco industry or does She age after all?  :-(

"Don't drive too slowly."                 Richard Caldwell
                                          AT&T Network Systems
                                          (614) 860-2206

dutchman@WPI.WPI.EDU (jonathan drummey) (12/15/89)

In article <8912122118.AA06054@EDDIE.MIT.EDU> IED writes:
> Subject: Kruel irony: ied shoT down by own pop idol
>   As though she had been listening in on the recent argument
>in Love-Hounds, Kate Bush said in the new VH-1 interview: "_Nature_
>is perfect. Anything we human beings do can never really be perfect."
>   Hmm...IED will need a little time to find a way out of this mess...

i used to think that way, kind of....  but then someone pointed out to
me that humans are a part of nature too.  one could look on that
comment cynically as meaning that people can only approach nature's
perfection.  or, the way i look at it, as human beings we have the
potential to be as perfect as nature...

sweet dreams,



stewarte@UCSCC.UCSC.EDU (The Man Who Invented Himself) (12/15/89)

IED0DXM@OAC.UCLA.EDU will no doubt deny ever having said:

>   As though she had been listening in on the recent argument
>in Love-Hounds, Kate Bush said in the new VH-1 interview: "_Nature_
>is perfect. Anything we human beings do can never really be perfect."
>   Hmm...IED will need a little time to find a way out of this mess...

Clearly, Kate must be operating under a different definition of 
perfection than that recently proposed here by Julian.  While that
definition was interesting, I found it quite different from what I
think of as perfection.  With the "local maximum" rule, assuming that
what is being maximized is some absolute, quantifiable measure called
"quality", a work can be perfect but still be of very low quality.  This 
I found quite unsatisfying, conceptually speaking.   Perhaps Kate thinks 
of perfection as representing a global, rather than a local, maximum.

Julian's definition does have the advantage of being better for 
stimulating discussion -- since it effectively disallows the suggestion
"throw it away and start over" as a means to improve a song (or whatever).
"Don't forget this shit."
			 -- James Blood Ulmer
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