[rec.music.gaffa] More on the new net.music tape...

nessus@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (Doug Alan) (02/06/90)

------- Forwarded Message

From: paul@athena.mit.edu (Paul Boutin)
Newsgroups: rec.music.synth,rec.music.makers,rec.music.misc
Subject: Specifics on the compilation tape procedure (short but dull)

NB: Personal email cannot always be answered due to time constraints
	and mailing difficulties.

	In response to a sudden flood of mail from several people on
different continents asking the same questions, here is the plan for
assembly and distribution of the 1990 readers' compilation tape, which
seemed to work last time.  Note that tapes received will *not* be
returned due to manpower limitations and shortness of life.

	1) You send me a tape with a particularly enjoyable recording
of yours.  Some people wish to submit several and have me choose one;
this is fine with me.  If you already have a tape with several pieces
on it and wish to mark one off for me, that is also fine.  The
important thing is to get me some music.
	Also include a one-paragraph blurb about yourself.  Notes on
the music are also welcome.  I am as much a pedantic trivialist as the
next guy.

	2) I put together a master compilation of one track per
contributor, and some artwork and liner notes for a cassette insert.
If the liner notes run too long, I will truncate them.  A full-length
synopsis will be posted to the net.

	3) I test the market (i.e. readers) for an estimate of demand
to determine how many copies I should have made, and what the cost
will be including postage (this will be the only difficult task aside
from reading some rather inexplicably foulmouthed unsolicited  mail).

	4) I post the price and ask for advance checks.  Contributors
will, if there is any market at all, get one free copy, or at least
some reduced rate.  I will certainly run this operation at a slight
loss, but it will be both cheaper and more enjoyable than the US
Festival was, I promise.

	5) When all checks have cleared ("for reasonable values of
'all'" as we are taught to say in the back alleys of MIT), I will have
a slightly excess number of copies of the master and artwork made at a
local professional site, and mail them out expediently.

	6) Everyone listens, everyone wins, some of us will receive
adulatory mail no doubt.

	Basically, you will send me a tape now and/or a check later,
neither of which you will ever see again.  You will in June or July
receive an attractively packaged mass-produced compilation cassette
which you can treasure forever.

	that address one more time:

	Paul Boutin
	Educational Initiatives
	Project Athena
	Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	One Amherst Street
	Cambridge, MA 02139

	I regret that I cannot always take the time to answer personal
communiques thoroughly, although I will try to at least say
*something* and hope the mailers will deliver it.  I am busy to say
the least (a recent assumption of what I am doing as "a UNIX job" was
more exasperating to me than I wanted it to be), but fortunately was
driven out of the house by guerilla carpentry at an early hour today
and had time to type this while waking up....

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