[rec.music.gaffa] Kate on Rapido

nbc@INF.RL.AC.UK (02/22/90)

There was a very short appearance by Kate on Rapido on BBC 2 on
Weds night. It was during an item on Irish music and its influence
on a number of groups and songwriters. There was a short clip of the
video of Cloudbusting and then a few seconds of Kate talking to camera
about how influential Irish music had been for her. If I catch the
repeat I will video and transcribe (though it is only just 1 or 2
sentances). It looked as if it was recorded at the time of the
interview that appeared on Rapido last year but cut out at that time.

Neil Calton                            UUCP:   ..!mcvax!ukc!rlinf!nbc
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,        NSFNET:
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon  OX11 0QX        JANET:         nbc@uk.ac.rl.inf
England                                Tel: (0235) 821900   ext 5740