Greetings... I was looking through my case of Rarely-Listened-To-And-Almost-Forgotten-About Tapes yesterday when I discovered a tape given to me a while ago by the brother of a friend of mine. It's two picture-disks of KT as well as a mix-tape of her early stuff, which I already had but does a nice job of filling up the tape. The picture-disks contained three interviews, two from shortly after the release of _Hounds of Love_ and one from 1982, discussing _The Dreaming_. That one is really hard to understand, since the interview was done in a crowded coffee shop over tea, and Kate sounds like she's either on speed or full of helium. Anyway, they're good interviews, and while I'm home over spring break next week I'll probably be bored enough to transcribe them. I'm sure somebody's probably put them on the group before, but I'm relatively new to this, and I'm sure there are other people out there new to either this group or KT fandom or both who would be interested in them. They're not too long, and I'll post them all independently, hopefully in two weeks when I get back from break and back to my computer access. If anybody thinks this is an incredibly stupid thing to do that will waste valuable posting space, let me know (e-mail, please)- I'm giving this warning so that if I am about to make a big mistake, I can stop before I waste a lot of time. There isn't anything new and exciting in the interviews, I'm sure, but they're interesting all the same and hopefully someone out there will think so, too. Meredith Tarr "Looking for a moment that'll never happen Living in the gap between past and future" Wesleyan University -KT
Path: eagle!mtarr From: Newsgroups: Subject: New Old Interviews Message-ID: <> Date: 4 Mar 90 16:28:27 GMT Lines: 30 Greetings... I was looking through my case of Rarely-Listened-To-And-Almost-Forgotten-About Tapes yesterday when I discovered a tape given to me a while ago by the brother of a friend of mine. It's two picture-disks of KT as well as a mix-tape of her early stuff, which I already had but does a nice job of filling up the tape. The picture-disks contained three interviews, two from shortly after the release of _Hounds of Love_ and one from 1982, discussing _The Dreaming_. That one is really hard to understand, since the interview was done in a crowded coffee shop over tea, and Kate sounds like she's either on speed or full of helium. Anyway, they're good interviews, and while I'm home over spring break next week I'll probably be bored enough to transcribe them. I'm sure somebody's probably put them on the group before, but I'm relatively new to this, and I'm sure there are other people out there new to either this group or KT fandom or both who would be interested in them. They're not too long, and I'll post them all independently, hopefully in two weeks when I get back from break and back to my computer access. If anybody thinks this is an incredibly stupid thing to do that will waste valuable posting space, let me know (e-mail, please)- I'm giving this warning so that if I am about to make a big mistake, I can stop before I waste a lot of time. There isn't anything new and exciting in the interviews, I'm sure, but they're interesting all the same and hopefully someone out there will think so, too. Meredith Tarr "Looking for a moment that'll never happen Living in the gap between past and future" Wesleyan University -KT