pb1p+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Peter Glen Berger) (12/10/89)
You are truly psychotic. Any and all evaluation of a given musical piece is based entirely on subjective values, as determined by the observer's location in space-time in relation to the vibrations forming the music being played. The listener's history (previous sensory input) and degree of ethnocentricity are also taken into account (ie, if the listener's "moral" background is similar to the author's, he is more likely to "agree" with what is being said). Your claims of Kate's music being "timeless" "perfect" and representative of something "eternal" in the human spirit, besides being a load of pseudo-religio-humanist tripe, are unfounded, irrational, and entirely subjective. IED - "Just make him go away, now...." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pete Berger || ARPA: Pete.Berger@andrew.cmu.edu Professional Student || BITNET: R746PB1P@CMCCVB Carnegie-Mellon University || NEXUS@DRYCAS Do not attend this college. || UUCP: ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!pb1p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "If only I could/make a deal with god/and get him to swap our places..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ccjs@cc.nu.oz.au (James Smith) (07/02/90)
Richard Caldwell writes: > And speaking of Andy someone's query as to what IED stands for is met > with the usual silence. A friend of mine to whom I forward > Love-Hounds and who I'll call Cynthia (because that's her name) > suggests that it might stand for "In Excelsis Deo". If that is indeed > the meaning of "IED" I leave it the reader to decide how it's intended... I thought this was obvious. Andrew's computer address is: IED0DXM%OAC.UCLA.EDU@mitvma.mit.edu He abbreviates it to IED to name his computer identity. Jim -- James Smith | Because France often needs Russia, she does not Computing Centre | want a Russo-Turkish war. On the other hand, Newcastle University | encouraging a Russo-Turkish alliance is ccjs@cc.nu.oz.au | tantamount to suicide. One good diplomatic | tactic is to make Turkey paranoid...
Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (07/02/90)
Really-From: James Smith <CCJS@cc.nu.oz.au> Path: cc.nu.oz.au!ccjs From: ccjs@cc.nu.oz.au (James Smith) Newsgroups: rec.music.gaffa Subject: Re: IED Message-ID: <3334.268f3593@cc.nu.oz.au> Date: 2 Jul 90 11:52:50 +1000 References: <9006290758.AA16076@EDDIE.MIT.EDU> Organization: University of Newcastle News-Moderator: Approval required for posting to rec.music.gaffa Lines: 22 Richard Caldwell writes: > And speaking of Andy someone's query as to what IED stands for is met > with the usual silence. A friend of mine to whom I forward > Love-Hounds and who I'll call Cynthia (because that's her name) > suggests that it might stand for "In Excelsis Deo". If that is indeed > the meaning of "IED" I leave it the reader to decide how it's intended... I thought this was obvious. Andrew's computer address is: IED0DXM%OAC.UCLA.EDU@mitvma.mit.edu He abbreviates it to IED to name his computer identity. Jim -- James Smith | Because France often needs Russia, she does not Computing Centre | want a Russo-Turkish war. On the other hand, Newcastle University | encouraging a Russo-Turkish alliance is ccjs@cc.nu.oz.au | tantamount to suicide. One good diplomatic | tactic is to make Turkey paranoid...