[rec.music.gaffa] Katemas in Los Angeles: a reminder

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (07/11/90)

Really-From: IED0DXM%OAC.UCLA.EDU@mitvma.mit.edu

 To: Love-Hounds
 From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
 Subject: Katemas in Los Angeles: a reminder

   This is just by way of a reminder to all Kate fans in the Los Angeles
area: you _will_ want to attend the Katemas Eve's Eve Bush Bash, to be
held at IED's place in West Los Angeles on July 28th, beginning sometime
around 2 p.m. Hours of KT videos, including some _very_rare_ (even by IED's
standards), both old and new. Come meet other Kate Bush fans and have a merry
time with them celebrating Kate's 32nd birthday. IED hopes you can make it!
Vickie's words about the Chicago party apply well to IED's in L.A.: "If you're
a true Katefan and want to see a larger-than-life Kate in all kinds of rare
and not-so-rare and silly and not-so-silly and unusual and weird and strange
and glorious and beautiful and whatever, videos, do come--please." (Except that
IED's won't be larger than life--he doesn't have a big-screen TV, more's the
pity. If anyone in the area does have one, please give IED a call and receive
his undying gratitude...)
     IED will supply refreshments for everyone, but any additional
contributions of soft drinks, chips, etc., will be greatly appreciated as
well. Also, anyone wishing to contribute a couple of bucks toward some
white roses (to be wired to Kate for her birthday), your generosity will
be noted with pleasure. Modest doorprizes will be awarded to lucky
party-goers. R.S.V.P.: (213) 474-1364. The location: 10499 Wilkins Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90024. It is this that brings us together!

-- Andrew Marvick