Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/01/90)
Really-From: (Susan Harwood) After a long, long silence, a chance comparison has brought me back out of the woodwork. This thing on Kate and Madonna. I notice a lot of the emphasis seems to be on sex and the way it's presented as parts of these women's images. This got me thinking. Here's what's surfaced so far; it's not about music per se, so I hope no one finds the subject matter too off base. And for those who know me, this is not a commercial. ;-) Now, if we wanted to split hairs, we could say that in a sense both women are alike, because both women possess calculated images. The differ, of course, is that one woman (guess who) thrives on the media blitz and big, round tits. The other-- well, let's say she's more a mistress of understatement than the Material Girl. She knows what she wants people to think about her, but she doesn't bare her breasts when she wants to cause a stir-- she bares her heart (a more enticing concept to my mind). Getting back to Madonna. So here we have this creature, a sort of Saint Agnes gone haywire. Madonna gets where she does because she comes off as this fallen good girl; the virgin besmirched, if you will. Her very name bespeaks the contradiction she presents-- hot little Virgin Mary, awakened to the pulse between her legs. Oh, yes. She sings too. But Madonna's image is dependent on the fact that, even though she enjoys what she does, she is bad. A very Catholic idea, and her chosen imagery points it up oh so well. Kate Bush, on the other hand, isn't like that at all. Yes, Kate is sexy. Yes, the early songs are explicit. But Madonna has discovered her sexuality (and what it gets her) by rebelling against everything around her. Kate is like a goddess, in the truly pagan sense of the word. Her sexuality is indeed more than the pulse between her legs; it is the pulse of her very being. And she can go from the nymph in TKI to the powerfully sexy woman in TD and HoL to the incredibly erotic creature in TSW because she doesn't have to thrust that sex forward to say who she wants you to think she is. Kate is beyond such childish displays, because what she does, nay, what she is, is beyond such medieval concepts as good and bad. That includes her life's work (music; I think Madonna's life's work is publicity). You could say that one wears a mantle of erotica, while the other flashes a shroud of blatant sex trimmed with pornography. That's enough rambling for now... does this make sense? Would this sound like a valid idea? I'm interested in what other people think; send email if you think it's a better forum for it. And, by the way, this whole train of thought kicked off in my head because of Andreas calling Madonna a witch. Indeed, as if she deserved such an honor. :-) -----Susan L. Cecelia Harwood--------------------------------*<:-)------------- "The whims that we're weeping for our parents would be beaten for."--Kate Bush University of Texas @Austin---
Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/02/90)
Really-From: music@hpfcmgw.HP.COM (John Wells) Madonna = btich; Kate = love goddes. Fair enough. I'll buy it. It just goes to show that sexuality comes from the heart, much more than just the physical. Perhaps it's the ability of the English people to say what they mean with sophistication and not the blatent bump and grind that some of the American musicians use to sell their stuff. Perhaps it is even more reflective on Kate's following, that these are the warm and compasionate creatures that will have the deeper love for each other. John Wells in Ft. Fun, Coloradio
Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/08/90)
Really-From: GREY1@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Laura Grey) In article <34832@ut-emx.UUCP> Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU writes about Kate and Madonna: > You could say that one wears a mantle of erotica, while the other > flashes a shroud of blatant sex trimmed with pornography. Mmm, yes! Your entire posting provides a terrific comparison, Susan. Athletic, bouncy but graceless Madonna is certainly interesting to watch in her trashy Barbarella/Frederick's of Hollywood/Salvation Army/I Dream of Jeannie sort of way, but our free spirit, Kate, is the sort of woman you want to listen to with your ears and mind and heart. What's more, as ethereal or abstract as Kate can be, she's also a surprisingly real and gentle person, by all accounts, whereas Madonna's style jars and punches and knocks the wind out of people. They're both powerful women, but I prefer the power that Kate summons from within over the power that Madonna grabs from others. -Laura Grey