[rec.music.gaffa] Hello agian...What's this Boxed set?

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/15/90)

Really-From: bilbo@cis.ohio-state.edu (William H Stoner III)

Howdy, Due to my vacation and having had major surgery three weeks ago
I've not been reading things lately.  The surgery was due to a blood
disorder I inherited, so I had to have my spleen and gall bladder removed,
but that's another story - and I'm well on my way to recovery now.

Anyway I'm very excited to hear that there is a boxed set forth comming,
especially since I only have TD and LH on CD, I've not had the $$ to upgrade
my albums.  When is this set due for release??  I know it'll be a while but 
are there any round dates???  I guess I'll stop scouring record conventions 
for KT singles....

well that's all for now....

OH, hey Siberry fans: I finally heard from SIB Productions I'll be posting
to siberry tomarrow...stay tuned

"I love the bare branches  I love the healing bells |  William H. Stoner III
the bareness in the last sun  the greyness and the  |  Systems Operator OSU CIS
gold...i laughed til I was heaving then everything  |  bilbo@cis.ohio-state.edu
was still."  Jane Siberry - The Bird in the Gravel  | 

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (08/19/90)

Really-From: stevev@chemstor.uoregon.edu

Speaking of Jane Siberry . . .

Because so many of you have been raving about Jane Siberry, I
started trial-buying her albums.  First I got _The Walking_, and
thought "This isn't bad at all.  Sounds like an early album,
though."  So I hunted around and discovered that there were two
albums chronologically before it.  So the next one I bought was
_No Borders Here_.  So I listened to it and thought "Wow, I am
really beginning to like the way Jane writes songs.  Especially
'Mimi on the Beach'."  So then I got _The Speckless Sky_ a week
later, and I've been listening to it for a week, and I would now
consider myself a full-blown Jane fan.  She's weird (in a nice
way) like Laurie Anderson, often personal like Kate, but
completely different from either.  (Right now I'm listening to
"Vladimir * Vladimir".  Wow.)  And I'll be off to get _Bound by
the Beauty_ in a little while.

Now what's the address of this Jane Siberry mailing list again?