[rec.music.gaffa] Re : Japanese Boxed Set???

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (09/28/90)

Really-From: derek%sunstroke@sdsu.edu (Derek Langsford)

>Really-From: py64725@korppi.tut.fi (Yli-Krekola Perttu Jaakko)

>  Yesterday I visited Helsinki and went to a record shop called
>Diskeri Imports. On the wall there was a list of future releases.
>"Kate Bush Box" caught my attention, so i asked the shopkeeper
>about it. He said they will carry both the UK and Japanese Box.
>- Japanese? I've never heard of that. 

>The shopkeeper said it will be released hopefully before Christmas and
>it probably contains one more CD or CD-single than the UK box. Also it
>might contain additional booklet. "You know these Japanese always like
>to add something extras" he said. 

>Has anyone heard of this? I learned from the IED's informative letter
>that Kate made some unreleased songs on the Japanese TV show "Sound in 'S'".
>I hope they would put these and also the other rarities that EMI UK
>discarded. I think it would be a good idea to send IED's letter to the
>Japanese company (I don't know the name), if they haven't decided yet
>what songs to include. 

Oh no, don't say it's true.  Here we go again on another rollercoaster ride of 
uncertainty.  Do we get the UK box or wait for the japanese box?  Maybe we get 
one then the other so we have 3 copies of each album CD $:-(.

Is there a japanese Love-hound in or with contactsin Japan who may be able to 
give us any info?   Anyone have the address of EMI in Japan or even their 
phone number?  I would gladly pay for a phone call to get answers to these 
questions.  I could also send a copy of the letter IED and I wrote.  Maybe 
they would be more receptive?  Maybe I am dreaming again?

This is getting too much.  The anguish of not being able to go to the 
KonvenTion and now a potential quandry over which box set to get in addition 
to the possibility of waiting an extra couple of months for the Japanese 
version. I am in quite a tizzy.  Can anyone help us get to the bottom of this?

Would ICE know?  DO they deal with Japanese releases?  Questions, Questions.
