[rec.music.gaffa] Mailbag; & LONDON TRIP INFORMATION

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (11/13/90)

Really-From: Andrew B Marvick <abm4@cunixd.cc.columbia.edu>

Hello, Love-Hounds.
   IED is very sorry to be so delinKuent of late in the group. He will
redouble his efforts to KonTribute regularly upon his return from the
KT Konvention.
   Many thanks to Phil Smyth for his helpful e-mail message, and
appreciation expressed also to Patrick Jost, Peter Manchester, Evan
Welsh, Stephen Carter, Neil Calton, Martyn Lesbirel, Greg Bossert,
Peter Manchester, Andrew Semple, Chris & Vickie, Christa (?) Lindh,
Goran and Mike for their interesting and valuable postings of the
past weeks.
   IED will be arriving in London the morning of Friday, November 16,
and he will be reachable at The Crescent Hotel, 49-50 Cartwright 
Gardens (near London U. and the British Museum), telephone no.: 
387-1515. If you want to leave a message on Friday, IED will be in
to receive/return it in the morning once about 11`a.m., and again
late that evening. 
   IED hereby takes on the responsibility of procuring about twenty
name-tags, which he will mark with the new KT-fem. symbol in red on
black card. He will distribute the otherwise blank name-tags to any
and all Love-Hounds who are able to find him on the morning of the
convention (Saturday, November 17). IED intends to be in front of
or inside Le Palais by 11 a.m. that morning. With luck he will already
have found a florist's nearby and purchased a dozen or two white
roses (which any generous souls may feel free to help reimburse 
him for). As for a big sign on a stick (a good idea, whoever it
was who suggested it) saying "Love-Hounds", which could be handy
as a beacon Love-Hounds could rally round at the convention--IED
leaves that projeKT to someone else. Any volunteers?


   IED sees the validity of both Peter's and JSD's points about
how to count Kate's "videos", but he cannot, in the end, see his
way to dismissing the existence of videos like "Delius" and "The
Wedding List" simply because Kate didn't release them on home
video. They were nonetheless real in-studio productions. IED
can only list _all_ of Kate's performances ever seen on video
in any form. For completeness' sake even essentially identical
performances on pop-music shows of the same song (as, for
example, the five or six versions of _RUTH_ which Kate lip-
synched on European TV in 1985) must in the end be included 
among her "video" performances, since _some_ interpretive 
and expressive differences exist between all of those, and 
since even the slightest changes in Kate's conception of 
a performance merit considerable study by Kate Bushological
   Bearing that in mind, IED calls Love-Hounds' attention to
video versions of _Saxophone_Song_, _Strange_Phenomena_, 
_Kite_, _Room_For_the_Life_, _Symphony_in_Blue_, _In_the_Warm_
Room_, _Kashka_From_Baghdad_, _Egypt_, _Ran_Tan_Waltz_, _Violin_,
and _The_Wedding_List_, to name only some of the other songs
which should be included in any attempt to list the "complete"
Kate Bush video performances. (The above stem from the Swedish
show "Rockdrotting", the Dutch show "De Efteling", the German
documentary "Kate Bush in Concert", the unreleased Hammersmith
Odeon footage shown at the 1985 Romford Convention, Kate's Christmas
special "Kate", the Prince's Trust Gala Concert of 1982, and the
children's programme "Ask Aspel", from 1978.) And there are several
more, even without counting near-duplicate lip-synch performances.
In the end, IED has no choice but to reject jsd's more selective
approach to the video KaTalogue.
   Someone asked for the answer to the mystery surrounding the
"secret message" in _Watching_You_Without_Me_. The answer was
officially acknowledged in the Kate Bush Club Newsletter more
than a year ago. It is: "Don't ignore, don't ignore me. Let me
in, and don't be long."
   There seems to be some confusion over the various cover designs
of _The_Kick_Inside_. There are four main cover designs (not 
bringing South American variants for the moment). Two are arguably
"U.S." cover designs, since the U.S. first released the album in
a design borrowed from the Canadians. That version features a 
close-up of Kate, and has a red border around the photograph.
Later the U.S. company EMI-America replaced this Canadian design
with the so-called "country-western" design, which features 
the "Kate-in-a-box" photo. She is scrunched up in a wooden box,
and she wears blue jeans and red over-the-calf socks. 
   The _UK_ design has sometimes been _wrongly_ described as the
"Japanese" design by some fans, perhaps because it features 
some Oriental touches in the artwork. In any event, the cover
which features Kate hanging from an Oriental kite, floating in
front of a gigantic stylized eyeball, is the _English_ cover,
_not_ the Japanese cover.
   The _Japanese_ cover, moreover, has sometimes been mistaken
for the "English" cover, perhaps because the photo which graces
it was the subject of considerable controversy in England in 1978,
when it appeared on hoardings and the sides of buses there. It
is a half-length portrait shot of Kate wearing a pink leotard and
looking enigmatically into the camera's eye. 
   IED hopes that clears up a little confusion.
   Goran asks what "BFPO" stands for in _Army_Dreamers_. The answer
is: "British Forces Posted Overseas".
   Mike asks what's the deal with the different "Wow" video in
_The_Whole_Story_? Kate explained that for the new compilation,
in deference to the title (_TWS_), she felt it was important to
have the live shows represented somehow. She couldn't fit the whole
_Hammersmith_Odeon_ film into the new compilation, and she didn't
much care for the original _Wow_ video, which she thought was a 
bit "silly". So she herself directed the newly edited montage 
of clips from the _Hammersmith_ film which became the new "Wow"
   The dijeridu in _The_Big_Sky_ Meteorological mix is played by
   Thanks again to all of you for your helpful postings and 
e-mail notes.

-- Andrew Marvick

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (11/13/90)

Really-From: Jon Drukman <jsd@gaffa.MIT.EDU>

>Really-From: Andrew B Marvick <abm4@cunixd.cc.columbia.edu>
>   IED sees the validity of both Peter's and JSD's points about
>how to count Kate's "videos", but he cannot, in the end, see his
>way to dismissing the existence of videos like "Delius" and "The
>Wedding List" simply because Kate didn't release them on home
>video. They were nonetheless real in-studio productions.

Fair enough, but there should be some kind of consistency in the
counting.  Peter's list was whimsical, to say the least.

>In the end, IED has no choice but to reject jsd's more selective
>approach to the video KaTalogue.

You are free to do so, but your list (deleted for space's sake) sheds
new light on the topic.  One must either be all inclusive, as your
list was, or highly selective, as mine was.  In either case, I still
dispute the "number of choreographical interpretations" yardstick as a
measure of how "good" KT is these days.  It just ain't necessarily

I don't wish to prolong this argument - I take IED's and Peter's
points under advisement, and reiterate my previous statement: I would
gladly have KT make no further videos, live shows, or televised
appearances in exchange for better albums!

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ---------------------+
|  |   |\       | jsd@gaffa.mit.edu | ZIK ZAK - We make everything you need, |
| \|on |/rukman | -Fight The Power- | and you need everything we make.       |