[rec.music.gaffa] KT KonvenTion

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (10/09/90)

Really-From: E Welsh <ecwu59@castle.ed.ac.uk>

Not wanting to be left out, here are my travel plans for the convention :
I leave Edinburgh early on Friday morning, missing only one lecture and
arriving in London that afternoon. I will be staying with a friend in
Hemel Hempstead for the weekend and travelling back on the Monday
Not as exciting as some of the trans-atlantic treks but it probably
takes almost as long from Edinburgh to London by coach as it does from
New York to London by plane. Is anyone else travelling from Edinburgh?

I hope we're going to enter at least one love-hounds team into the quiz
(I'm not sure if everybody will know about this - oh probably!). I'm
interested but I don't feel qualified to lead a team into battle, so any
volunteers? Is |>oug still around?

/  __               /\ ecwu59@castle.ed.ac.uk /\ Are you selling your \
\ |_     \    /     \/ rew@lfcs.ed.ac.uk      \/ soul to a cold gun ? /
/ |__VAN  \/\/ELSH  /\ evan@tardis.cs.ed.ac.uk/\                      \
\ ================  \/ ecwu86@ercvax.ed.ac.uk \/       Kate Bush.     /

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (11/20/90)

Really-From: E Welsh <evan@castle.ed.ac.uk>

It seems I have been beaten in the convention review stakes. I can only
endorse what everybody else has said and add that it was almost as
thrilling (but not quite :-)  ) meeting the rest of the love-hounds as
it was seeing KaTe. It will add another dimension to reading gaffa.

A public thankyou to Andrew Semple for agreeing to furnish me with
photographs of the con. as I too lost my camera on a train!

More later? Maybe...

/  __               /\ evan@castle.ed.ac.uk   /\ I went...             \
\ |_     \    /     \/ rew@lfcs.ed.ac.uk      \/ I saw...              /
/ |__VAN  \/\/ELSH  /\ evan@tardis.cs.ed.ac.uk/\ She sang...           \
\ ================  \/ ecwu86@ercvax.ed.ac.uk \/ I died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/