[rec.music.gaffa] Footah!!!!

Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU (12/01/90)

Really-From: gb10@gte.com (Gregory Bossert)

Well, I got back from distant lands Monday afternoon, and here it is on
Friday and I'm finally posting my KonvenTion impressions.  I think I
missed some of the accounts, so I won't bore y'all with redundant info.
Some general and personal observations:

1)  LoveHounds:  Given the drama of seeing KaTe, and the suprise and joy 
over her news, it may be seem odd to some that the most enjoyable aspect
of the trip was meeting my fellow LoveHounds -- but this will only suprise
those who have yet to meet these folks.  It's nice to meet people that
don't think you're nuts to travel across the Atlantic (or in Graham's case,
across the world) to attend a fan convention; even nicer to find a group of
people who share an interest in alternative music, female vocalists, computers,
video, good food, etc.; and nicest of all to find a group of people who are
all, well, nice people.  Maybe it's because KaTe herself seems so nice (i.e.
kind, concerned, intelligent, broadminded, etc. [whoops, I'm raving 

2)  As a followup to the above point, any of y'all who wants to send me your
address (I mean, your postal address) is guarenteed a at least a Christmas
card... UK Hounds too;  I really wish I'd gotten more of a chance to talk
to our host hounds, as it were...

3)  KaTe:  OK, so I'm sitting there being real cool.  I mean, I've met famous
people before (I once showed Robert Redford where my folks bathroom was,
but that's another story for another time...), and heard other music idols
speak (Brian Eno just a month ago...), so really, KaTe's appearance was no
big deal, right?  Uh huh.  I dunno about you guys, but I actually got 
lightheaded, and I'm sure I had a rapturous smile plastered on my face for
about an hour....  I mean, sure She's astoundingly friendly, wonderously
well-spoken, stunningly beautiful, endearingly shy, and devastatingly 
talented; that accounts for a lot, but clearly the dizzying buzz was the
result of her divine powers leaking out into the audience.  That and the
chorus of angels strumming Fairlights and digereedoos...

4)  The Kamera Kurse:  Hey, what do you know, my camera didn't jam, run down,
get lost, get stolen... it wasn't even kidnapped by gypsies and raised in
slavery -- no, my camera worked perfectly.  It just that the pictures are
awful...  I'm afraid the long exposures and relatively wide F.o.V. left me
with a series of colorful abstract compositions centered around a vague
grey figure topped by a blazingly red mass of overexposed hair... In a
few of them, the video wall is relatively clear, enough that you can
recognize the subject -- okay, enough so I can recognize the subject...
Anyway, I realize that this can get tricky, but anyone willing to send
me better prints will be happily reimbursed -- and I'm willing to pay in
advance to avoid awkwardnesses...  Also, it seems like a love-houndly thing
to do to get some photos to Graham from Australia, in recognition of his 
outstanding if totally mad effort.

5)  Trade:  There are some things I saw at the KonvenTion which I now covet, 
to whit:
	Those In/Breathing/Out buttons
	Those LionHeart buttons (mine got lost in the fray...)
	Any of those videos (particularly the Dutch performances and the
		"Keeping Fit" dreaming thing.
	Of course, a tape of Ms. Bush's appearance

and so on.  Several of the elder statepeople of LoveHounds/gaffa (i.e. IED
and Vickie'n'Chris ) expressed their very reasonable reasons for limiting
the distribution of their private collections -- it's simply too much work
and too open to awkward misfortune.  SO, I am asking in all humbleness, with
the full willingness to pay in advance, and with an offer to trade my own
meager resources, which include a few unusual videos (and the complete
released videos, I think, as long as you go buy them anyway...), and the
ability to digitize sounds and graphics, particularly for the Mac and Amiga
(though I can convert graphics as needed...)  Interested offers to:

	Greg Bossert
	274 Grove St. Belmont MA 02178

6)  Boston Area ALert:  Newbury Comics in Harvard Square has two boxed sets,
and at $199 each they'll have them for a while, I suspect...  Way I see it,
I can drive to Canada and have a nice meal on the money I save.  8-]

Looking forward to seeing you all at EVERY show, if not before, and a hearty
greg -- gb10@gte.com