[rec.music.gaffa] On tour?

stevev@greylady.uoregon.EDU (Steve VanDevender) (02/13/91)

There's been a long dry spell for me where I was unable to read
rec.music.gaffa because no nearby NNTP server was carrying it and
while I waited to be added to the Love-Hounds mailing list, so
certain items going around the mailing list are real news to me.

Like the often-referred-to news that Kate is going on tour.
Words fail to convey my feelings about this, but I'm overjoyed
that I will almost undoubtedly have enough spare money to travel
wherever she plays whenever she gets around to it.

If someone could pass on more detailed information about this to
me, I'd really appreciate it.  Feel free to mail directly to me
if this has already been hashed over in great detail on the
mailing list.

Steve VanDevender 	stevev@greylady.uoregon.edu
"Bipedalism--an unrecognized disease affecting over 99% of the population.
Symptoms include lack of traffic sense, slow rate of travel, and the
classic, easily recognized behavior known as walking."