[net.lan] Need copies of IEEE 802 standards

55811js@hou2d.UUCP (W. Heinmiller) (01/19/85)


I've been trying to track done information on the IEEE 802 standards for local
area networks, and haven't had much luck yet.  Can someone tell me how I can
get copies of the current drafts (or final versions) of 802.1 through 802.6?
Thanks a lot!

		Wayne Heinmiller	Bell Communications Research
		houxz!wh		Freehold, NJ

(Sorry if this has been repeated at some locations, we're having temporary

brad@gcc-opus.ARPA (Brad Parker) (01/21/85)

In article <512@hou2d.UUCP> 55811js@hou2d.UUCP (W. Heinmiller) writes:
>I've been trying to track done information on the IEEE 802 standards for local
>area networks, and haven't had much luck yet.  Can someone tell me how I can
>get copies of the current drafts (or final versions) of 802.1 through 802.6?
>Thanks a lot!
>		Wayne Heinmiller	Bell Communications Research
>		houxz!wh		Freehold, NJ
>		(201)-577-4159

I would also like this information. 
Please emain if possible.


J Bradford Parker
uucp: seismo!harvard!gcc-opus!brad
otherwise: what else is there ?

"Say something once, Why say it again ?"
	- David Byrne

tomlin@dspo.UUCP (01/22/85)

> I've been trying to track done information on the IEEE 802 standards for local
> area networks, and haven't had much luck yet.  Can someone tell me how I can
> get copies of the current drafts (or final versions) of 802.1 through 802.6?

I thought someone else would reply, but here goes.  Talk to any or all of the
the following.

IEEE Standards - For when they come out as REAL (not draft) standards
		(212) 705-7960

IEEE 802   - Organization
		Maris Graube
		P.O. Box 505
		Station 50-973 (or is it 50-473; I can't read my writing.)
		Beaverton, OR  97077
		(503) 627-1792

IEEE 802.1 - Introduction to the 802 protocol suite
		Bill Lidinsky
		(312) 979-6246

IEEE 802.2 - Logical Link Control
		Dave Carlson
		(201) 576-5316

IEEE 802.3 - CSMA/CD
		Don Loughry
		(408)257-7000 x2454

IEEE 802.4 - Token Passing Bus
		Bob Douglas
		(602) 863-1472

IEEE 802.5 - Token Passing Rings
		Bob Donnan
		(919) 543-0053

IEEE 802.6 - Metropolition Networks
		Jim Mollenauer
		(617) 364-2000

IEEE Fibre Optics Technical Advisory
		Bill Schumacher
		(717) 780-6034

IEEE Broadband Technical Advisory
		Mark Stalman
		General Instruments (New York)
		(212) 708-7911

					-- bob
Bob Tomlinson - dspo!tomlin@LANL  or  ucbvax!unmvax!lanl!dspo!tomlin
Los Alamos National Laboratory - E-10/Data Systems
Los Alamos, New Mexico  -  (505) 667-8495