[rec.music.gaffa] TMF


Julianne Dunphy asked whether "the Morning Fog" has quite the same super
powerful magic effect on other love-hounds as it has on her.  Well i can
tell you Julianne, my friend who first turned me on to KaTe cites TMF as
her favorite song.  She plays it over and over again and states she'll have
it played at her funeral (at 25, i tell her she's morbid, she pays me no
mind.)  Plus, it's the traditional anthem played simultaneously around the
world at a certain hour of Greenwich Mean Time on KaTemas.  Its "super
powerful magical effect" may be the very reason for its selection thereto.

I've always heard the song to mean, in the end the woman in The Ninth Wave
is neither rescued nor drowned, but washed ashore:  "i kiss the ground..."
Could i be right, or am i totally at sea....

Kim = dreaming@max.u.washington.edu