The "First Experience with Kate's Music" stories have been interesting, so here's mine. I think the year was 1983. I know that _The Dreaming_ wasn't very old at the time. I was looking around with a friend of mine who shared my musical tastes for the most part, for something a bit different. I happened upon a copy of _The Dreaming_ and said to my friend (Bill) "Hey isn't this the woman who does the backing vocals on "Games Without Frontiers"?" "Yeah," he said. "I've heard she's done some pretty good stuff on her own." Well TD was the only KB album the store had so I bought it as an experiment. At the time, by the way Gabriel's "Melting Face" album was one of my all time favorites and GWF was my favorite song on it. So I took TD home and had a listen and loved it first time. Strangly enough, however the album began to _lose_ favour with me with time. Then I put it away for a while, waited a few months, took it out again and loved it again. My appreciation for it seemed to behave like a cosine for a long time. Then when the HoL came out I decided to give it a try. I fell in love with _The Ninth Wave_ immediately. It wasn't long before I then bought up the rest of the albums and began looking for more singles with new songs on the B-sides. The sine-like oscillations about my feeling for TD leveled out at a very positive close second place to my favorite KB album HoL. As to the "poll" questions: Favorite Kate Album: _Hounds of Love_ (Mainly due to the Ninth Wave) Favorite Kate Song: Jig of Life. (Under the Ivy is real close) Least Favorite Kate Album: _Lionheart_. Favorite Kate video: Cloudbusting. On another note; I'm not sure how many of you folk know about it since I'm the only person I've ever known who is both a big fan of Kate Bush and of Bob Dylan, but His Bobness is releasing a three CD set on tuesday called _The Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3_ full of previously unavailiable out-takes from albums and a few tracks that are basically just legitimized bootleg recordings. I bring this up just because as I was sitting around anticipating this item I thought to myself how nice it would have been to have a Kate version of something like this. It made me lament for what _This Woman's Work_ could have been. On the other hand, considering the fact that Dylan has been voicing opposition to the publication of such "out-take" albums for about a quarter of a century, maybe there is a slight chance that Kate will change her mind some day and allow stuff like the _Cathy Demos_ to be put out legitimately. Looking forward to the 91-92 Kate Bush World Tour....... Wade