[rec.music.gaffa] This note's for you

fingerle@NADC.NADC.NAVY.MIL (J. Fingerle) (03/29/91)

Greetings, um, ah, Gaffians? Gaffers?
Greetings Love hounds!

As much as I would like to hear more abouts girlfriend, swimming pools, and
ice cubes-with KaTe on in the background,  I'll get right to the point.

Recently, The Black Crowes were touring with ZZ Top through the States.  The 
tour was sponsered by Miller Beer.  On Monday, the Crows made a remark to the 
audience that _they_ were coming live and commercial free.  Supposedly, they said nothing else further.  Miller Beer, so the story goes, took umbridge and 
requested that the Crowes should be dropped from the tour.  They were.

I bring this up because of the rumours that KaTe might tour.  Whoa!!!  Read
on!  I am not suggesting that KaTe would be sponsered by anyone,  in fact,
a banner over the stage at a KaTe concert would be pretty weird looking;  nor
do I think that KaTe is the type of artist that would "go corporate" anyway.
But, I am curious to see what y'all think about this topic.

To site other recent such controversies, McCartney was sponsered by Visa, 
Paul Simon was sponsored (forgive me for the spellings above, I just proofed
this!), by American Express Gold, Clapton sang for Michelob, etc.

Personaly, I can't see what all of the fuss is about.

In any event, take care!

Note:  new sign-off |
                   \ /

Jimmy                              "When in doubt, bore it out!"
fingerle@NADC.NAVY.MIL              -Harley Davidson (circa 1947)
