[rec.music.gaffa] mailing list changes

wisner@ims.alaska.EDU (Bill Wisner) (04/17/91)

I've made a few changes in my automatic digestification software,
which I'll proceed to explain:

Previously digest delivery occurred once every morning, at 8:00 (my
time).  The digest thus contained all the messages received in the
last twenty-four hours.  This is the method I inherited from the
estimable |>oug.

Now, if the addition of an incoming message to the existing digest
causes the digest's total size to exceed 50K, a digest will be sent
out immediately.  This means some subscribers (particularly those that
use CompuServe -- CI$'s message size limit is around 60K) won't miss
so many digests.

Incidentally: perl is from god -- er, Kate.

Bill Wisner <wisner@ims.alaska.edu> Gryphon Gang Fairbanks AK 99775
Am I doing it?  Can I have it all now?