[rec.music.gaffa] Don't do it, Vickie!

dwelch@devnull.mpd.tandem.COM (Dan Welch) (04/30/91)

> >   - I was surpisingly disappointed in Jane Siberry.  The album of
> >     hers that I found was _No_Borders_Here_, and I thought it was
> >     not really that inventive, more weird-for-the-sake-of-weird
> >     like Laurie Anderson (another non-favorite of mine).  Did I
> >     choose the wrong album?
> Do you really get no enjoyment from songs like "Extra Executives",
> "Symmetry" or "Mimi On the Beach"? Doesn't "Dancing Class" or "You
> Don't Need" move you in any way? Have you listened to "Map of the
> World (Part 1)" on headphones? Have you tried to listen to the lyrics
> to any of the songs?  Please, please, please try again.

OK, Vickie, I'll listen again, I promise, just COME DOWN OFF THAT LEDGE!

I should have mentioned that "Extra Executives" was, in fact, the only
song on the album that I took to right off, but that could be the effects
of working for a large company.  I really get a kick out of "He took a
course in sales -- he's never been the same."

I have, recently, listened to the album a few more times, and it does
grow on you a bit.  The main complaint I have about Jane is that she has
a pretty wimpy voice.  The singers that capture me are the ones with
powerful voices. Bjork from the Sugarcubes is a good example--her voice
sends shivers up and down my spine and various other things.  Diamanda
Galas does the same thing.  Well, with her, it's more like goosebumps
than shivers, but you get the idea.

> Jane writes the best lyrics this side of Kate Bush.

This, I'm highly skeptical of.  But hey, everyone's got their favorites.
(My shameful secret -- I like Patsy Cline.  Don't tell anyone, OK?)

> Perhaps, like I was, you're not "ready" yet. Keep trying.

After listening to Her for several years now, I don't think that there are
very many closed doors in my musical mind any more.  We'll see.

							      /       \
Daniel Welch						     |         |
Tandem Computers, Inc.					      \       /
Austin, TX, USA							--+--
dwelch@devnull.mpd.tandem.com					  |
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I should have been home hours ago, but I'm not here...		  |<
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