[rec.music.gaffa] KaTe and Madonna

kyrlidis@athena.mit.EDU (Agathagelos Kyrlidis) (04/26/91)


Kate Bush is mentioned several times in the article on Alek Keshishian, the
director of 'Truth or Dare', in the most recent Rolling Stone. This guy
did a pop opera performance piece based on 'Wuthering Heights' at Harvard,
and his work there was considered so good by Madonna, that she decided to hire
him for her movie. According to the article during the time when WH was 
performed at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge 'no Kate Bush records
could be found in the Boston area'. So he probably did a good job.

Has anybody seen this production, or is it available on video? Was there any 
discussion about it in 'gaffa' when it happened?

Thanks for any info,

	|This is my world and I am the world leader pretend...REM|

kyrlidis@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (04/26/91)


I posted this yesterday but I haven't seen it so I am trying the e-mail route.
I hope some of you find it interesting. So here goes...
Kate Bush is mentioned several times in the article on Alek Keshishian, the
director of 'Truth or Dare', in the most recent Rolling Stone. This guy
did a pop opera performance piece based on 'Wuthering Heights' at Harvard,
and his work there was considered so good by Madonna, that she decided to hire
him for her movie. According to the article during the time when WH was 
performed at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge 'no Kate Bush records
could be found in the greater Boston area'. So he probably did a good job.

Has anybody seen this production, or is it available on video? Was there any 
discussion about it in 'gaffa' when it happened?

Thanks for any info,

	|This is my world and I am the world leader pretend...REM|

gb10@gte.COM (Gregory Bossert) (04/30/91)

Angelos says:
> Kate Bush is mentioned several times in the article on Alek Keshishian, the
> director of 'Truth or Dare', in the most recent Rolling Stone. This guy
> did a pop opera performance piece based on 'Wuthering Heights' at Harvard,
> and his work there was considered so good by Madonna, that she decided to hire
> him for her movie. According to the article during the time when WH was
> performed at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge 'no Kate Bush records
> could be found in the Boston area'. So he probably did a good job.
> Has anybody seen this production, or is it available on video? Was there any
> discussion about it in 'gaffa' when it happened?

yeah, i saw it.  it is certainly *not* on video (at least, not one you could
buy), this was very much a student production.  *big* budget for a student
production, mind you, but that's harvard univ. for you... (envious?  you bet!)
i have done sound design for productions at the loeb theatre (home of the
A.R.T. and many a high tech./low content Robert Wilson style performance), 
and they have a serious sound system, lights, etc.

so anyway, the _WH_ production told the Bronte story in mime/dance, with
*loud* and glorious music in the original recorded versions.  Heathcliff
was represented by Sting, and Kathy by KaTe, of course.  the middle of
the story drifted a bit, as H. and K. left the moors for the big city, 
and turned into Billy Idol and Madonna, respectively.  (hey, Judi, there
you go!)  the set was magnificent:  WH (the house itself) was represented
by a several story tall staircase that looked about to fall over.  the
lighting was beautiful, if a bit heavy on deep blue fills and lurid
colored spots.  the dancing was pretty good -- some powerful group numbers
that were clearly inspired by RUTH (which *was* played on V66, boston's
much lamented indie video channel...).  many people were confused by the
show, since there was no live music or speech.  i was pretty impressed --
i saw it twice in a weekend, and dragged a bunch of people to it the
second time.  of course, what i liked was hearing KaTe at 100+ db.  
i'll have to dig up the program to give an exact list of songs, but the 
ending was _Hello, Earth_ followed by _WH_, and it was pretty much
devastating.  i'm astounded that Madonna would have heard of it or been
so impressed by it -- but i'm glad the Mr. Keshishian is doing well.
maybe a documentary on Kate will be next!?  well, maybe not.

> "no Kate Bush records could be found in the Boston area"

wrong wrong wrong.  he must have been mispelling "Bush" or something; i managed
to find all the albums at Newbury Comics, and Second Coming had the UK _HoL_
before the american release was available.  or, he could have asked me... ;-}

yo, footah!
-greg -- gb10@gte.com