[rec.music.gaffa] katemas in the UK

sre017@cck.cov.ac.uk (***SEMPSY***) (05/10/91)

Hello there,I agree it is time to get things organised for katemas in the UK.
I think the best idea is to have it at somebody's house,this allows video and
hifi access.If this is not feasible would the people below who have expressed
an interest,be prepared to pay for a small venue to be hired.I personally can't
have it at my house,plus I can't do any organising until my exams are over(14th
June).After my exams are finished I'm prepared to do anything to help organise.
The updated list is as follows:
1 Andy Semple        11 CSDMLESBIREL(LIV)
2 Neil Calton        12 Andreas & Carina
3 Steve Fagg         13 Kimon Berlin
4 Pablo Iglesias     14 Chris Stevenson
5 Evan Welsh         15 Ant Reid
6 Stephen Thomas     16 Jason Cottrell
7 Steve Wallis       17 William Lockhart
8 Chris Ridd         18 Ruth Jenkins
9 Patrik Yle'n
10 Colin Davidson
This list also includes everybody in Europe whos doing something.
 _ __                                 __            Andy Semple
' )  )            /                  /  )    _/_  / 7 Winsford Avenue,
 /--' _  __.  _. /_  o  __  _,      /  / . . /   /  Allesley Park,
/  \_</_(_/|_(__/ /_<__/ <_(_)_    (__/ (_/_<__ O   Coventry,CV5 9JG.
                            /|                JANET:sre017@uk.ac.cov.cck
                           |/                 HOME TEL:(0203) 672308
'I'm the concierge,chez moi honey.Won't letcha in for love nor money.My home
my joy and I'm barred and bolted,and I won't letcha in!!!'KB '82

 _ __                                 __            Andy Semple
' )  )            /                  /  )    _/_  / 7 Winsford Avenue,
 /--' _  __.  _. /_  o  __  _,      /  / . . /   /  Allesley Park,
/  \_</_(_/|_(__/ /_<__/ <_(_)_    (__/ (_/_<__ O   Coventry,CV5 9JG.