[rec.music.gaffa] Kate "Can" boot coming?

L-H@cup.portal.COM (05/22/91)

Hi Love-Hounds, 

The other day, I learned from a usually-reliable source that there is a 
new bootleg "can" coming out.  My source said that his source (in New
York City) said it will be LP only, similiar perhaps to the _PiL_ can
in packaging, will contain a T-shirt, will be limited, numbered copies,
and will contain "new material."  What "new material" may mean is anyone's
guess at this time.  All I know for sure is that I got my order in!  I'll
post anything else I find out about this; if anyone else hears about or 
sees this, please let L-H know.  ThanKs. 

Larry (L-H@cup.portal.com) daydreaming often of Krys (looking like Kate)
                           dropping off this little package of utmost 
                           signifiKanTce (oh, never mind...)