[rec.music.gaffa] ok, where do I write?

dnb@meshugge.media.mit.EDU (David N. Blank) (05/23/91)

  I *really* want EMI to release the two "demo/b-sides" discs from the
boxed set separately, as I'm sure many a person out there would.
Soooo... one way to make this sort of thing happen is to show a
definite interest and willingness to buy to a record company.  Could
someone please provide an address of someone (or dept) at EMI who I
could plead with by mail?  Thanks.


 David N. Blank                      o/    \  /    \ /     /      \o   
 M.I.T. Media Laboratory            /#      ##o     #     o##      #\
 E15-473F, (617) 253-2169           / \    /  \    /o\    / |\    / \