abm4@cunixa.cc.columbia.EDU (Andrew B Marvick) (05/30/91)
For whoever's interested, IED's e-mail address will change as of May 30. The new address will be (he _thinks_): <edh7pba@UCLA.MVS.EDU> If that doesn't work, try <edh7pba@UCLA.OAC.EDU> or <edh7pba@UCLAMVS.OAC.EDU>, or something like that. Sorry to be so vague, and sorry for taking up Love-Hounds' time with such trivia. IED looks forward with _great_ pleasure to Larry's San Jose party. IED _will_ be sending at least one dozen white roses, wrapped in ivy, to Kate's family home again for this Katemas. Anyone who wants to send IED a small contribution may send to this address: Andrew Marvick 10499 Wilkins Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 Last summer IED was able to buy four dozen white roses, thanks to Love-Hounds' generosity. Your contribution will get your name on the card, and the satisfaKTion of knowing you have done something nice. Have a great summer, everyone. IED will re-connect and post anew from Los Angeles toward the end of June. -- Andrew Marvick She is...