[rec.music.gaffa] Boston/New England area KaTemas

gb10@gte.COM (Gregory Bossert) (06/08/91)

hmmm.  given the amount of interest (or at least mail) generated by
this KaTemas thing, plus the possible Sony support, etc., i'm a-thinkin'
i need to keep on top of my Boston-area plans.  for one thing, i may
need to find a better location than my rather small house...

SO, it's r.s.v.p. time:  if you are interested in attending the Boston
Katemas celebration on July 27th, 1991, please let me know a.s.a.p.

i am:
        Greg Bossert

        email:  gb10@gte.com
        usmail: 274 Grove St.
                Belmont, MA 02178
        voice:  (617) 489-5127
        FAX:    (617) 484-0948

the celebration will feature:

== music (i've got just about everything KaTely, i think, plus many of 
the artists mentioned in these hallowed electronic paths...)

== video (i've got a reasonable selection of TV clips, and we
may have some or all of the official releases on Laserdisk;  plus,
there is a chance we'll have some rarities in the original PAL format...)

== posters 'n' stuff

== prizes (maybe, particularly if Sony comes through...)

== astounding home-made pizza in all your favorite KaTe flavors
("coffee homeground", "seedcake", "gaffer's tape", and one with a bunch
of little keys on it...)  (blech!  good thing i didn't mention the
"kanga-roadkill" special...)

==  the amazing interactive KaTe audio/video installation

volunteers are welcome.  we need people to 
	1) bring nifty things from their KollecTions
	2) help set up (and clean up!?)

i'd like to get as much unusual stuff here as possible...

i'm keeping a list of people who have expressed interest, and i'll email
details directly to the list -- if you've already written me go ahead
and write again, just so i can keep all the names together...

-greg -- gb10@gte.com --
        "a woman drew her long black hair out tight
         and fiddled whisper music on those strings
         and bats with baby faces in the violet light
         whistled, and beat their wings" -- T.S. Eliot