[rec.music.gaffa] Happy postings OK by me

larry@csccat.cs.COM (Larry Spence) (06/10/91)

In case someone misconstrued my earlier post, I have no problem with
people posting fanatically about Happy.  My complaint was that there
wasn't enough description of what her stuff sounds like, and that it
was tough for me to tell whether she was a Kate wannabe or a unique
artist.  I've gotten more info from postings since then, and several
people sent me very helpful email (thanx, jessica!), the net effect
being that I have ordered the most recent release.  How long do I have
to wait now before the damn thing arrives? %)

If people want to froth about Happy, far be it from my place to tell
them to stop!  If I get the CD and don't like it, easy enough to skip
those articles.  The last thing I want to do is put a damper on someone
like Vickie, who is a major contributor to gaffa.  It's not like there's
a lot of new Kate info out there, either...

Larry Spence