barger@aristotle.ils.nwu.EDU (Jorn Barger) (06/17/91)
Here is my current Katemas list. Please send me corrections/ additions! Realize this will be going out soon to 500 Katefans without email/net access, so phone numbers would be very helpful: Tentative sites for 1991 (Sat. July 27, except where noted) include: BOSTON: Gregory Bossert ( (274 Grove St, Belmont, MA 02178. 617-489-5127) CLEVELAND: Ryan McGuire ( SAN JOSE: Larry Hernandez ( (408-249-4664) SAN DIEGO: Randy Gobbel ( ?LOS ANGELES: Victor O'Rear ( AUSTIN: Steve Williams ( (512-244-8252) DALLAS: Vishal Markandey ( (214-358-6515) CHICAGO: Chris & Vickie (contact: Jorn Barger,, 312-973-0874) SWEDEN: Carina & Andreas Bjorklind, Troskaregatan 53, S-583 30 Linkoping, Sweden. Phone: +46 (0) 13 21 46 00. Email: UK: Andy Semple, 7 Winsford Ave, Allesley Park, Coventry, CV5 9JG, England. Phone: (0203) 672308. Email via JANET: ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Richard Frost ( WOLLONGONG, NEW SOUTH WALES: Graham Dobkins ( Love-Hounds in other cities without definite Katemas plans: NORTHERN NEW JERSEY: Rob "Woj" Woiccak (REWOICC%ERENJ.BITNET), 201-644-0190 TUCSON: Judi McKernan ( ================================ Ron, Bill is due back on the 21st. Maybe hold off until then? I can't wait, myself, though. I THINK WE NEED TO FIND OUT HOW MANY PEOPLE WANT THE GARDEN/ CLOUDBUSTING SERIES BUT _COULDN'T_ GET IT BY FTP. Cause if it's only a few dozen, we should probably email it to them. Can I hold another poll, this time just to hear from such people with no ftp? Send me email (, and make the subject line: No FTP ================================ The Un/Happy votes are down to a trickle. Score now: Happy 26, UnHappy 14. Musical 12 UnMusical 18. The Musical List folks have unsubscribed us. If you still want it try or write to them direct at: xx158@cleveland.Freenet.Edu The Happy mailing list is cooking already, and it looks like it's going to get a fair share of traffic that could fit Happily on gaffa. I'm not sure where to recommend people post now, but I do suggest that people interested in Happy should subscribe: I would like to say that Vickie's lent me Vol 1 and Rearmament, and 1) the Vol 1 monster is truly hideous, but 2) I like both albums a lot, both I think better than Warpaint (which I have only a few problems with, anyway)