[rec.music.gaffa] The Happy backlash-if you don't like it use your kill file

tj@CS.UCLA.EDU (Tom Johnson) (06/11/91)

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what the big problem is.  I love Happy's
music and I want to hear everything I can about this talented woman and
her music.  I've noticed that virtually every posting about Happy has
her name in the subject--if you don't want to read about Happy Rhodes,
why don't you just put her name in your kill file and be done with it?
Of course you might miss a message or two from someone who titles their
message "I'm happy I discovered Kate", or something, but then you wouldn't
be inconvenienced, and the rest of us can go on discussing someone who's 
music is every bit as important (IMHO, of course) as the goddess'.

Tom Johnson             "I put this moment.............................here
tj@cs.ucla.edu           I put this moment......................here
                         I put this moment--
                                              Over here!"        (Kate)

jondr@sco.COM (Jon Drukman) (06/18/91)

No one yet knows why tj@CS.UCLA.EDU (Tom Johnson) said:
>her name in the subject--if you don't want to read about Happy Rhodes,
>why don't you just put her name in your kill file and be done with it?

Spare a thought for the poor slobs who only get the digest, Tom.  (I don't,
but I used to, and I know how hellish it is trying to find the INTERESTING
and IMPORTANT stuff amidst the slime.)

Jon Drukman (down by law)                    uunet!sco!jondr      jondr@sco.com
Always note the sequencer - this will never let us down.

stern@chem.nwu.EDU (Charlotte Stern) (06/19/91)

No one really knows why Jon Drukman writes:

> No one yet knows why tj@CS.UCLA.EDU (Tom Johnson) said:
> >her name in the subject--if you don't want to read about Happy Rhodes,
> >why don't you just put her name in your kill file and be done with it?
> Spare a thought for the poor slobs who only get the digest, Tom.  (I don't,
> but I used to, and I know how hellish it is trying to find the INTERESTING
> and IMPORTANT stuff amidst the slime.)

It is easy to explode digests so that they behave just like a bunch
of separate mail messages.  I'm pretty sure I already posted my
unix scripts for this, and if I figured it out for unix, that gives
anyone on any OS a better than even chance.  Many mailers support
message filtering.  The poor slobs who get the digest can substantially
reduce the hellishness and I personally like dealing with mail
better than notes most of the time anyways (mostly because I'm
quite familiar with it and it's just one thing to use instead of two).
