[comp.unix.cray] UNICOS 5.0 Memory Scheduler Problems

gary@ut-emx.UUCP (Gary Smith) (10/07/89)

Following is the text from a message I posted to the unicos-l mail
group approximately two weeks ago.  Those of you who read both the
unicos-l information and this information are probably quite tired
of seeing it.  Nonetheless, as there could be interested parties
who read this news and not unicos-l, I wanted them to have an op-
portunity to read it.  CRAY Research is continuing to work on the
problems discussed in the paper and indications are that a new
memory scheduler will be included in UNICOS 6.0.


Following is the text from a paper I presented at the CRAY User Group
Conference in Trondheim last week.  The text is quite long but I felt
it important that readers of this  mailing group be made aware of our
experiences with UNICOS 5.0 process scheduling.   Lothar Wollschlager
of KFA (BITNET: ZDV026@DJUKFA11) has had similar experiences on their
Y-MP8/832.  The most important section is 2.2.     CRAY Research  has
already addressed many of these problems, but I believe a redesign of
UNICOS memory scheduling is nevertheless required.

                    UNICOS 5.0 Scheduling Problems on a CRAY X-MP

                                     Gary Smith

                         Internet:  g.smith@chpc.utexas.edu
                               BITNET:  G.SMITH@UTCHPC
                              DECnet:  UTCHPC::G.SMITH

                           The University of Texas System
                        Center for High Performance Computing
                              Balcones Research Center
                                  10100 Burnet Road
                              Austin, Texas 78758-4497

                                  September 1, 1989


                    Process scheduling algorithms  that  achieve  ade-
               quate  batch  job throughput while providing acceptable
               response time for interactive jobs require the  careful
               integration  of  swapping-store I/O scheduling, central
               memory scheduling, and CPU scheduling.   Direct,  effi-
               cient  couplings  among these scheduling algorithms are
               very critical for modest-resource  supercomputers  such
               as  the CRAY X-MP EA/14se.  They must maximize user CPU
               and I/O utilization by maximizing the  degree  of  mul-
               tiprogramming,  within  any  real-time and/or political

                    As released, the  UNICOS  5.0  process  scheduling
               subsystem has proved ineffective at maximizing user CPU
               and I/O utilization for typical  job  distributions  on
               our  CRAY X-MP EA/14se.  This is not because our modest
               UNICOS hardware platform is intrinsically inadequate to
               achieve  acceptable  performance  for our predominately
               batch job mix: the COS 1.16 job scheduler  consistently
               achieves  user  CPU  utilization  which exceeds 85% and
               simultaneously provides high user I/O utilization  with
               similar  job  mixes on our CRAY X-MP/24.  Nor is it due
               to poorly-chosen schedv parameters. Rather it is due to
               design  oversight  in the UNICOS 5.0 process scheduling
               software, software that fails to maximize the degree of
               multiprogramming  for  multiple  reasons,  including an
               ineffective strategy for avoiding central memory  frag-

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          1. Background

          1.1 CHPC Established

               The University of Texas System Center for  High  Performance
          Computing  (CHPC) was established by the University of Texas Sys-
          tem Board of Regents in 1986 to serve the research  and  instruc-
          tional  supercomputing  needs  of the academic and health science
          component institutions of the UT System.  The  initial  equipment
          configuration  included  a  CRAY  X-MP/24  supercomputer with 32-
          megaword SSD, 9.6 gigabytes of DD49 mass storage  and  XIOP-based
          3420  and  3480  magnetic  tape access, all controlled by the COS
          1.14 operating system.  Support computers  included  a  VAX  8600
          front  end  running  VMS and an IBM 4381 file server running MVS.
          The CHPC initiated production operations on May 15, 1986.  Access
          to the services of the CHPC is provided via the Texas Higher Edu-
          cation Network  (THEnet),  a  state-wide,  heterogeneous  network
          administered  by  the UT System Office of Telecommunications Ser-
          vices (OTS).  See Figure 1.

          1.2 CRAY X-MP/24 Saturated

               By February of 1987, the CPU resources of the  CRAY  X-MP/24
          had  become  fully  saturated, with typical job backlogs of up to
          one week.   Clearly,  to  address  the  turnaround  time  problem
          without  strict  allocation  procedures, additional CPU resources
          were required.  Even  though  larger  central  memory  was  being
          requested by several users, four megawords had proved adequate to
          achieve a degree of multiprogramming that allowed user CPU utili-
          zations of above 85% for typical job mixes.

          1.3 UNICOS Migration Initiated

               Over the next year,  UNIX  continued  its  emergence  as  an
          evolving  de facto standard operating system for computers in all
          performance classes, and our decision to migrate to a homogeneous
          UNIX  environment was justified on three primary bases.  UNIX had
          been chosen as  the  operating  system  of  the  future  by  CRAY
          Research  and  other  high-performance computer vendors.  Equally
          important was CHPC's goal to establish a partnership between com-
          puting  resources locally available at the UT component campuses,
          primarily   UNIX-based   scientific   workstations   and    near-
          supercomputers,  and  those of the CHPC facility.  Achieving this
          goal  required  the   uniform   network   service   functionality
          approached  only in the UNIX environment.  Finally, UNIX provided
          the best available approximation to our goal of  vendor  indepen-

               Presuming that the UT System Board of Regents would  approve
          of  a  major  expansion  of  the production vector supercomputing
          resources provided by the CHPC (approval was subsequently granted
          in  June, 1989), migration of the UT System CHPC facility to UNIX
          was approved in April of 1988.  As the  COS  1.16-based  CRAY  X-

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          MP/24  was production-saturated, the vehicle chosen for migration
          was a CRAY X-MP EA/14se with 4 megawords of BMR, 8.4 gigabytes of
          DD39  mass  storage  and  XIOP-based  3420 and 3480 magnetic tape
          access, all controlled by the UNICOS 4.0 operating system.   Sup-
          port  systems included a CONVEX C120 access server running CONVEX
          UNIX 6.2 and a Sun-3/280S gateway server running SunOS 3.5.   See
          Figures  2 and 3. New hardware was installed during October, 1988
          and acceptance testing was completed by  January  1,  1989.   The
          plan  was  that,  after  9  to 12 months, the majority of the COS
          workload could be moved to the UNICOS  context.   At  that  time,
          either  "COS  stragglers"  would be accommodated by reversing the
          roles of the COS 1.16 X-MP/24 and UNICOS  5.0  X-MP  EA/14se,  or
          UNICOS 5.0 would be run on both X-MP's.

          2. Problems

          2.1 UNICOS 4.0 Installed

               After a brief development  period,  in  which  CHPC-specific
          accounting  and  NQS-temporary  file ($TMPDIR) modifications were
          integrated into UNICOS 4.0, the X-MP EA/14se was  made  available
          for production.  As expected, the early job mix proved to be pri-
          marily batch, yet we were routinely measuring  low  CPU  utiliza-
          tion.   Careful  investigation  of  the  UNICOS  4.0  source code
          revealed that in an attempt to integrate  batch  scheduling  with
          more-or-less standard UNIX priority-based process scheduling, the
          developers of UNICOS 4.0 had not provided us with the  scheduling
          flexibility  we  required.   We  believe most sites purchase CRAY
          supercomputers primarily  for  high-performance  sustainable  CPU
          throughput.  Yet due to the simple negative-feedback-on-CPU-usage
          process priority function in UNICOS  4.0,  the  highly  I/O-bound
          memory  hogs  (memhogs)  received  a much larger share of central
          memory occupancy than CPU-bound memhogs.  The  I/O-bound  memhogs
          even  competed  effectively with small CPU-bound processes.  CPU-
          bound process priorities decayed much faster than  that  of  I/O-
          bound  memhogs,  resulting  in  less  than 50% CPU utilization at
          times when many CPU-bound processes  were  runable.   After  some
          trivial  coding  changes  to make CPU-bound memhogs available for
          swap-in sooner, they achieved a larger share  of  central  memory
          occupancy.  This allowed us to achieve nearly 75% CPU utilization
          with the same job mix.

          2.2 UNICOS 5.0 Installed

               Having heard from CRAY Research  employees  at  many  levels
          that  UNICOS  5.0  was to be the most "feature-rich" and reliable
          release to date, due in part to extremely thorough testing  under
          production  loads, we ordered installation materials and documen-
          tation on May 15, 1989 and installed UNICOS 5.0.10 for production
          on  July 11.  By September 1, just over seven weeks later, we had
          two CRITICAL, ten URGENT and two MAJOR SPR's outstanding  against
          UNICOS  5.0,  including  problems  with the kernel (primarily the

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          process scheduler), TCP/IP modules, fsck,  mkfs,  NQS,  msgdaemon
          and  crayperf.   Of  these SPR's, two CRITICAL's and two URGENT's
          against the process scheduling  subsystem  represent  significant
          problems for our site.

               After some definitions and a very brief overview  of  UNICOS
          5.0  scheduling  philosophy,  the  remainder of this section will
          detail several of the process scheduling problems we have experi-
          enced.  See Figure 4.

                        Central Memory Scheduling Terminology

          cpuhog      a process that has exceeded the CPU  time  limit  set
                      for processes with modest CPU requirements

          memhog      a process that has exceeded the central memory  limit
                      set for processes with modest central memory require-

          hog         cpuhog or memhog

          hogmem      total central memory that can be captured at any time
                      by hogs

          roadhog     an in-memory process is defined as a roadhog when the
                      sum  of  its  size  and  that of the highest-priority
                      swap-in process exceeds available user memory

          maxbad      long-term sleeping processes

          kindabad    short-term sleeping processes

                   Central Memory Scheduling Parameter Definitions

          Scheduling parameter weight factors: x_in defines  weight  factor
          to  be multiplied by an attribute associated with x for processes
          residing in central memory when computing their  swap-out  prior-
          ity. Similarly, x_out defines a weight factor to be multiplied by
          an attribute associated with x for processes residing on the swap
          device (SWAPDEV) when computing their swap-in priority.

          + Throughput scheduling:
                 mfactor: process size
                 tfactor: process residence time

          + Political scheduling:
                 pfactor: process standard UNIX priority
                 shfactor: process fair share priority
                 nfactor: process nice value

          Scheduling parameter damping/clipping factors:

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          min_inpri   runable processes in central memory are excluded from
                      swap-out  until their swap-out priority is lower than
                      min_inpri, unless max_inage is exceeded

          min_outpri  runable processes on SWAPDEV are excluded from  swap-
                      in  until  their  swap-in  priority  is  higher  than
                      min_outpri, unless max_outage is  exceeded  (and  the
                      process is a hog)

          max_inage   guaranteed central memory residency time for  runable
                      processes;   processes  that  have  occupied  central
                      memory for  max_inage  seconds  can  be  swapped  out
                      regardless of min_inpri

          max_outage  guaranteed SWAPDEV residency time for hog  processes;
                      hog   processes   that   have  been  swapped-out  for
                      max_outage seconds can be swapped  in  regardless  of

          thrash-blks no more than thrash-blks blocks may  be  swapped  per
                      thrash-inter seconds if thrash-inter is nonzero

                     Central Memory Scheduling Algorithm (sched)

               sched computes swap-in priorities to order swapped-out  run-
          able  processes  for swap in.  Similarly, sched computes swap-out
          priorities to order swapped-in processes for swap  out,  to  make
          room  to  swap  processes  in.  Swap priorities are computed as a
          simple sum of products, using  weight  factors  set  via  schedv.
          Higher  numeric  values indicate better priority.  Thus, the pro-
          cess with the numerically largest priority on the  swap-in  queue
          will  swap  in first.  The in-memory process with the numerically
          smallest priority will swap out first.  Once  the  "best"  candi-
          dates  for  swap-in  and swap-out are found, their priorities are
          compared. If the swap-in candidate has a priority less than  that
          of  the  swap-out candidate, no swap occurs.  sched then suspends
          itself for one second after which it reevaluates  the  situation.
          Of  course, special cases occur for in-memory processes in states
          such as roadhog, sleeping or locked-in: any  roadhog  process  is
          chosen prior to the "worst" maxbad process; any maxbad process is
          chosen prior the "worst" kindabad process; any  kindabad  process
          is  chosen  prior to the "worst" runable process, within the con-
          straints of any damping or clipping factors.

          Swap-in priority is computed as follows:

          P    =    priority*pfactor_out    +    sharepri*shfactor_out    +
          nice*nfactor_out + size*mfactor_out + time*tfactor_out

          Swap-out priority is computed similarly:

          P = priority*pfactor_in + sharepri*shfactor_in +  nice*nfactor_in
          + size*mfactor_in + time*tfactor_in

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          2.2.1 Central Memory Scheduler Problems

               During beta testing of UNICOS 5.0 at NCAR, several  problems
          were  found  in  sched.   One  important  problem  was  so-called
          "roadhog detection", wherein sched did not detect processes  that
          were  required  to  swap out in order to fit the highest-priority
          process on the swap-in queue  into  central  memory.   sched  was
          modified  such  that when roadhogs were occupying central memory,
          they would  be  considered  exclusively  for  swap  out.   Unfor-
          tunately,  a precondition for roadhog detection was that the pro-
          cess be a hog.  As released, UNICOS 5.0 schedv parameters declare
          no  hogmem,  and thus roadhog deadlock detection failed until the
          default  schedv  parameters  were  modified.   This  resulted  in
          several  uncontrolled  shutdowns  (because we could not log in on
          the system console to run our  shutdown  script)  and  our  first
          UNICOS 5.0 CRITICAL SPR.

               As released, the UNICOS 5.0 default schedv parameters result
          in  other  problems  as  well,  the  most significant of which is
          thrashing.  Following is a quote from a  posting  to  the  UNICOS
          mailing  list  by  Doug Engert of Argonne Labs: "With the default
          settings, we were seeing very high  swap  rates.   The  situation
          went  something like this.  A number of processes are swapped out
          and their priority is increasing.  One is swapped in, and its new
          priority  is  calculated,  but  it  is less than others which are
          still out, and thus it gets swapped  out.   We  had  to  set  the
          min_inpri  to  much  less  than the min_outpri to slow this down.
          But the intent of the min_inpri and min_outpri is to have a range
          where  the  system can dynamically balance the swapping.  A fudge
          factor was needed." At CHPC, we were often  experiencing  similar
          behavior  with  our job mix.  Fortunately, Doug Engert went on to
          determine a set of schedv parameters that alleviate the thrashing
          problem  somewhat.   Unfortunately,  sched  has  more fundamental
          problems that can cause instabilities, not the least of which  is
          oscillatory   behavior  due  to  asymmetries  introduced  by  two
          separate functions for computing swap priorities.   One  alterna-
          tive  to  the  fudge  factor  Doug  implemented is the concept of
          thrash locks with terms proportional to process size, in addition
          to  a  constant term.  This method is used in COS and works quite
          well for CHPC job distributions.

               Other serious problems with sched are the  following,  first
          described  to  us by Ted Kline of CRAY Research, during a two-day
          UNICOS 5.0 memory scheduler workshop held at CHPC on  August  21-
          22,  1989  (during  which  time  Ted  installed  a fix to roadhog
          deadlock detection for no-hogmem systems).  Suppose A and  B  are
          in-memory  processes  with  process  C  swapped-out  and runable.
          There exist conditions wherein sched will swap out A, even though
          A  will  be ordered ahead of C on the swap-in queue, resulting in
          immediately  swapping  A  back  in.   This  can  continue   until
          priority(A) < priority(B), at which time similar oscillations can
          begin with process B.  If process C is ever ordered first on  the
          swap-in  queue,  of  course  it can swap in, but these "scheduler
          loops" can go on for some time, wasting CPU  and  I/O  resources.

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          Yet  another  problem  Ted  mentioned was that unless the swap-in
          priority of runable  swapped-out  processes  exceeds  min_outpri,
          sched refuses to swap them in unless max_outage is exceeded, even
          when adequate central memory is available!

               Attempting to schedule processes strictly on  the  basis  of
          share  priorities, which include costs for central memory and I/O
          as well as  CPU,  we  determined  that  the  scheduler  loop  Ted
          described  occurs when max_inage is zero.  Unfortunately, nonzero
          max_inage can result in keeping  sleeping  processes  in  central
          memory  when  multiple  runable  processes  are  available on the
          swap-in queue!  Even though the fair share  CPU  scheduler  func-
          tions  properly,  in several situations the use of share priority
          alone for memory scheduling is unstable for at least the  follow-
          ing reason.  Suppose CPU-bound, roadhog processes A and B are the
          only runable processes over some  time  interval.   Also  suppose
          their  share  priorities  are  extremely close.  Swap-in/swap-out
          interchanges of A and B can occur at very  short  intervals.   If
          these  swaps  are  at  VHISP rates, lost CPU utilization might be
          hardly noticed, but with disk swapping, very low CPU  utilization
          results.   Again,  thrash locks proportional to process size con-
          stitute a component of the solution to this kind of problem.

               Another inefficiency we have discovered in sched is the fol-
          lowing.   Once sched has ordered the swap-in queue and chosen the
          best swap-in candidate, no prescan of the in-memory processes  is
          done  to  ensure that adequate central memory can be reclaimed to
          swap it in: sched simply assumes it and begins sequentially swap-
          ping  out all processes of lower priority than the swap-in candi-
          date.  The result is unnecessary swapping  and  lower  degree  of
          multiprogramming, resulting in lower CPU utilization.

               Yet another recent discovery is as follows.   Suppose  sched
          has chosen a large process A for swap-in and there exists process
          B which is locked-in due to raw I/O.  sched will not  consider  B
          for  swap-out  and  might swap out all other processes, including
          those with higher priorities than B.  After all  processes  other
          than  B  have been swapped out, if there is inadequate contiguous
          central memory to swap A in, sched sets a flag for  bio  to  idle
          down B.  One oversight here is that B might be a roadhog and thus
          must be swapped out for A to fit!  Even worse, it can be the case
          that  B is the only process sched needed to swap out to fit A and
          swapping out all other processes first was  superfluous,  not  to
          mention inefficient!

               As a final example, there is packmem, the module  called  by
          sched  to  pack  central memory when no single gap is adequate to
          swap in some process.  The packmem algorithm does not pack memory
          but  rather  scans processes in storage address order, attempting
          to move the process into a gap adequate  to  contain  the  entire
          process  space,  at  a  lower  storage  address.   The concept of
          storage moving a process downward into its lower gap  (or  upward
          into  its upper gap), independent of that gap size, is simply not
          employed.  packmem can actually  increase  the  fragmentation  at

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          worst  and  in  many cases only does unnecessary storage moves at
          best!  Perhaps the most unfortunate side-effect  of  the  packmem
          algorithm  is  that  swap-outs followed by swap-ins are sometimes
          required to accomplish central memory packing!

               There are other scenarios which result in  sched  instabili-
          ties.   Many  of  these have been discovered by Bill Jones of the
          CHPC, using Ted Kline's schedvsim simulator.   Ted  provided  our
          systems  programming  staff with this valuable algorithm-modeling
          tool during our August workshop.

          2.2.2 NQS Scheduling Problems

               The first and most important problem we have with NQS is the
          lack of a direct coupling between NQS and the share scheduler.  A
          simple example of the problem follows.  Suppose a site prefers to
          schedule  processes  almost  exclusively  on  the  basis of share
          priorities. Suppose user A, who has recently used far  in  excess
          of  his  share of resources, submits "queue-limit" batch jobs via
          NQS.  Now assume that user B, who has no recent usage, submits  a
          batch job to the same queue.  Since user A has used more than his
          fair share of resources recently, the share scheduler is going to
          allocate  memory and CPU resources to A much less frequently than
          to other available batch jobs with lower recent usage, thus stal-
          ling  A's  progress  through  the system.  But this is penalizing
          user B, the very user who deserves rapid turnaround!

               Another problem we see is the lack of a parameter to specify
          filesystem resource limits.  TMPDIR (and other) filesystem deple-
          tion could be controlled if we could schedule batch jobs  on  the
          basis  of  disk  resources  in  addition to CPU, memory, and tape

          3. Conclusions and Suggestions

          3.1 Four-Megaword Development and Testing

               A primary reason  for  our  early  discovery  of  the  sched
          deadlocks  and  deficiencies  related above is that such problems
          are very likely to occur under rich production loads  on  modest-
          resource  machines.  Sixteen to sixty-four megaword machines with
          VHISP swapping rates to SSD memories may mask such problems  much
          longer  than  modest-resource  machines.  Yet  four-  and  eight-
          megaword machines still  constitute  the  majority  of  the  X-MP
          installed  base,  a  base  wherein  many sites plan to migrate to
          UNICOS prior to purchasing additional  hardware.   Primarily  for
          these reasons, but also to increase developers' awareness of user
          memory constraints on modest-resource machines, we  suggest  that
          CRAY  Research  integrate  modestly  configured  four-  or eight-
          megaword  X-MP's  into  the  UNICOS  development  and  production
          environments  at  Mendota Heights, so long as such machines main-
          tain prominence in the distribution of CRAY Research's  installed

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          3.2 New Category-Based Integrated Scheduler

               During the two-day workshop with Ted Kline of CRAY Research,
          we  presented  some  of  our thoughts regarding an integrated job
          scheduler for UNICOS, not completely  unlike  that  of  COS.   We
          believe  the distribution of jobs on typical production supercom-
          puters is too rich for the two simple  categories  of  batch  and
          interactive.   Furthermore, we believe that job scheduling should
          be based on a combined "category-cost" concept, where  batch  job
          cost  might typically be the product of process size and resource
          time remaining, while interactive job cost might be  the  product
          of  process  size  and  resource  time accumulated since the last
          interaction.  This  tends  to  give  modest-size  and/or  modest-
          resource-time-limit  batch jobs higher priority, while simultane-
          ously ensuring that large, long-running batch jobs receive higher
          priority  as they near completion, allowing their resources to be
          freed for other jobs.  The cost function suggested  for  interac-
          tive  jobs  gives  truly interactive jobs good service, while the
          "interactive grinders" receive lower  priority  as  they  compute
          without interacting.

               During the summary session of our workshop, Ted Kline  indi-
          cated  that  he  was  considering the concept of site-specifiable
          categories with independent cost  functions  and  central  memory
          maxima  for  each category.  This would allow each site to define
          their own process categories and associated cost functions.  Dur-
          ing  a  memory  scheduler  run,  only  runable processes would be
          sorted on the basis of category and cost.  Central  memory  would
          then  be  packed in cost order within category memory cutoff lim-
          its.  To maximize the degree of multiprogramming,  a  final  pass
          would  then  be  made  with  all  category  memory cutoffs set to
          remaining user memory.  This  strategy  must  be  augmented  with
          several  complementary algorithms, such as swapping out long-term
          sleeping processes immediately, at least under conditions of sub-
          stantial  central  memory contention.  This is an oversimplifica-
          tion, of course, but contains the essence of a paradigm we  would
          like to see implemented.

          3.3 Central Memory Packing

               The UNICOS  5.0  process  scheduler  suffers  from  lack  of
          emphasis  on  keeping  central  memory efficiently packed with as
          many runable processes as possible at all times.  This  maximiza-
          tion  of  the  degree of multiprogramming is very critical in the
          single CPU case, not to  mention  the  case  of  multiple  CPU's.
          Perhaps  sched  should be willing to look beyond the front of the
          swap-in queue when that process momentarily cannot fit.   Several
          smaller  processes  may  fit  at  such times, resulting in better
          resource utilization.

          3.4 Size-Proportional Thrash Locks

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               We believe that provision of size-proportional thrash  locks
          is  also  extremely  important, especially for machines with low-
          bandwidth swapping devices.

          3.5 Properly-Documented Tuning Parameters

               In an attempt to allow scheduling flexibility, various  tun-
          ing  parameters  were  added to the UNICOS 5.0 process scheduler.
          The definitions above are paraphrased from the UNICOS 5.0  SCHEDV
          (1M) documentation.  The parameters do not all function as speci-
          fied in that documentation.  More importantly,  these  parameters
          interact in some unexpected and unstable ways.

          3.6 UNICOS Stability Requirement

               We have made a long-term committment to CRAY  X-MP  hardware
          and  UNICOS software, predicated on the quality of both.  Quality
          consists not only of "installability" but more importantly, reli-
          ability,  high-performance,  functionality, flexibility, and sta-
          bility.  If our user community is to migrate from our stable  COS
          X-MP/24  platform  to the UNICOS X-MP EA/14se, we must have these
          components of quality in all future releases of UNICOS.

          4. Acknowledgements

               I wish to acknowledge the help of Bill Jones  and  Dan  Rey-
          nolds of the CHPC in both discovering and solving problems in the
          UNICOS 5.0 process scheduler.  I wish to acknowledge Ted Kline of
          CRAY Research for his help in discovering and solving problems in
          the UNICOS 5.0 process scheduler, as well as his  willingness  to
          listen  to  our  thoughts  regarding  process  scheduling  in the
          abstract.  Finally, I wish to acknowledge Doug  Engert,  for  his
          discovery  of  a  set of schedv parameters which partially offset
          the  design  deficiencies  present  in  the  UNICOS  5.0   memory
          scheduler  and  allow us to run production workloads for some job

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