chiueh@sprite.Berkeley.EDU (Tzi-cker Chiueh) (12/19/90)
I am currently investigating methods of minimizing virtual memory overheads in high-performance computers. I think I have some way of solving logical-physical address translation. But I can't think of an efficient way of providing protection. I figure since Cray doesn't have virtual memory, maybe it can teach me something about achieving protection inexpensively. Can anybody enlighten me about how Cray provides protection as normal virtual memory systems offer, or where can I find useful description in this regard ? Thank you. tzi-cker (David Heisterberg) (12/19/90)
In article <> chiueh@sprite.Berkeley.EDU (Tzi-cker Chiueh) writes: > I figure since Cray doesn't have virtual memory, maybe >it can teach me something about achieving protection inexpensively. >Can anybody enlighten me about how Cray provides protection as normal virtual >memory systems offer, or where can I find useful description in this regard ? CRAYs (at least X and Y models) use base and limit register pairs (one set for code, one for data) for each process. The base register is added to the logical address (as generated by the program) to give the physical memory address. It is, I think, the physical address that is checked against the limit register, and, if out of bounds, a program or operand range exception is generated. With separate code/data base/limit registers code sharing is possible, but I don't think it is much used. That phrase, "normal virtual memory" - I just don't know what to make of it! -- David J. Heisterberg And you all know The Ohio Supercomputer Center djh@ohstpy.bitnet security Is mortals' Columbus, Ohio 43212 ohstpy::djh chiefest enemy.
chiueh@sprite.Berkeley.EDU (Tzi-cker Chiueh) (12/20/90)
The kind of protection I have in mind is access right control (e.g., read-only) "Normal virtual memory systems" perform this kind of protection check while doing logical-physical address mapping. The protection bits are either in page tables or TLB. Now, since Cray doesn't have virtual memory, the question is does it provide access control, if so, where does it put this check ? From the previous responses, it seemed that Cray only provides out-of-bound protection check. Furthermore, this check is done for EVERY reference. If this is indeed the case, this protection check process should be as expensive as address mapping in machines that have VM. So why does Cray get rid of virtual memory altogether ? Or does anybody know how much performance improvement can we gain from getting rid of VM ? tzi-cker
fair@Apple.COM (Erik E. Fair) (12/23/90)
Mike O'dell gave a wonderful paper at the last USENIX conference about trying to build a 150 MIPS SPARC system in GAs technology. One of the more amusing parts was his description of why heavily pipelined machines and virtual memory systems don't get along very well: it is somewhat disconcerting to find out that you had a page fault four instructions ago... Erik E. Fair apple!fair (Martin Fouts) (01/05/91)
>>>>> On 23 Dec 90 09:47:59 GMT, fair@Apple.COM (Erik E. Fair) said:
Erik> Mike O'dell gave a wonderful paper at the last USENIX conference about
Erik> trying to build a 150 MIPS SPARC system in GAs technology. One of the
Erik> more amusing parts was his description of why heavily pipelined
Erik> machines and virtual memory systems don't get along very well: it is
Erik> somewhat disconcerting to find out that you had a page fault four
Erik> instructions ago...
Not sure how this applies to comp.unix.cray, as Mr. Cray's
machines don't have virtual memory. It was a much more
interesting problem on the ETA-10, which did. (does?)
Martin Fouts
Software Craftsman
PHONE: (415) 852-2310 FAX: (415) 856-9224
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Moving to Montana; Goin' to be a Dental Floss Tycoon.
- Frank Zappa