(John R Sopka) (03/27/91)
1991 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUPERCOMPUTING June 17 - 21, 1991 Queens Hotel, Cologne, Germany ADVANCE PROGRAM AND GENERAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE CHAIRMEN PROGRAM DIRECTOR Edward S. Davidson Yoichi Muraoka University of Michigan Waseda University Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Tokyo, Japan Friedel Hossfeld Research Center Juelich (KFA) Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE EUROPE AND AFRICA U. Trottenberg (Chair) A. Lichnewski L.M. Delves P. Mueller-Stoy I. Duff T. Papatheodorou W. Giloi P. Sguazzero J.R. Gurd H. Wijshoff G. Hoffmann H. Zima W. Jalby NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA E. Houstis (Chair) D. Gannon D. Bailey M. Heath F. Darema J. McGraw D. DeGroot P. Messina G. Fox C. Polychronopoulos E. Gallopoulos J. Rice JAPAN AND FAR EAST T. Yuba (Chair) S. Nagashima T. Hoshino H. Tanaka Y. Kanada Y. Tanakura H. Kashiwagi H. Terada N. Koike K. Toda SPONSORS ACM-SIGARCH with support from KFA in association with AICA, BCS-PPG, GI, IPSJ, SBMAC and SIAM-SIAGS, as well as CSRD, CTI, CWI, GMD and INRIA. SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE The fifth International Conference on Supercomputing, sponsored by ACM-SIGARCH, covers a variety of topics dealing with current research results in the development and use of supercomputer systems and their implications for future supercomputer development. The sessions have been scheduled around the areas of architectural design, algorithms, applications, performance analysis, and software systems support. Being indicated below by a special invited session, at this year's conference the area of applications is emphasized. INVITED SPEAKERS Charles Brownstein, NSF, U.S.A. "Presidential Initiative in High Performance Computing and Communications" Jean-Francois Omnes, EC Brussels, Belgium "The talk will cover European High-Performance Computing Strategies" John Riganati, Supercomputing Research Center, U.S.A. "Ideas in Supercomputing: Philosophy and Pragmatism" Klaus Schulten, University of Illinois, U.S.A. "From Molecules to Networks - Biological Computing and Parallel Machines" James E. Smith, W. R. Taylor, Cray Research Inc., U.S.A. "Accurate Modelling of Interconnection Networks in Vector Supercomputers" Koichiro Tamura, ETL, Japan "Research Results of the Project 'High Speed Computing System for Scientific and Technological Uses'" Harry Wijshoff, University of Utrecht, Netherlands "Data Organization in Supercomputers: Practical Implications" Karl-Heinz A. Winkler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.A. "Simulation and Visualization of Supersonic Flows" INVITED SESSION ON APPLICATIONS PARALLEL SUPERCOMPUTING: CURRENT EXPERIENCES AND FUTURE CHALLENGES David H. Bailey, NASA Ames, U.S.A. "Experience with Parallel Computers at NASA Ames" Hans-Juergen Herrmann, HLRZ, Germany "Stochastic Growth Models" Geerd R. Hoffmann, ECMWF, U.K. Title to be announced DEMONSTRATIONS AND EXHIBITION Complementary to the Technical Program of the conference, there will be demonstrations by research groups and hardware and software product presentations by vendors. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS The proceedings are published by ACM and will be distributed at the conference. Each registrant will receive one copy. MAILING ADDRESS For further details, please contact : Ruediger Esser Research Center Juelich -ZAM- P.O. Box 1913 D-5170 Juelich Germany Phone: +49-2461-61-6588 Fax: +49-2461-61-6656 E-mail: zdv003@djukfa11.bitnet TECHNICAL PROGRAM The following list does not reflect the final schedule of the contributed talks. If you want to know the exact day and time of the presentations, please contact Ruediger Esser by the beginning of April using the above address. COMPILERS I Wolfgang Kuechlin, U.S.A. "A Space-Efficient Parallel Garbage Compaction Algorithm" Hans-Christian Hege, Hinnerk Stueben, Germany "Vectorization and Parallelization of Irregular Problems via Graph Coloring" Chinhyun Kim, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, U.S.A. "A Scheme to Extract Run-Time Parallelism From Sequential Loops" Zhiyuan Li, U.S.A. "Compiler Algorithms for Event Variable Synchronization" Michael Gerndt, Austria "Work Distribution in Parallel Programs for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors" COMPILERS II Michael Weiss, U.S.A. "Strip Mining on SIMD Architectures" Francois Irigoin, Pierre Jouvelot, Remi Triolet, France "Semantical Interprocedural Parallelization: An Overview of the PIPS Project" Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, U.S.A. "The Hierarchical Task Graph and Its Use in Auto-Scheduling" LOOP OPTIMIZATION: PARTITIONING AND DISTRIBUTION David E. Hudak, Santosh G. Abraham, U.S.A. "Beyond Loop Partitioning: Data Assignment and Overlap to Reduce Communication Overhead" Sesh Venugopal, William Eventoff, U.S.A. "Automatic Transformation of FORTRAN Loops to Reduce Cache Conflicts" Jang-Ping Sheu, Tsu-Huei Tai, Taiwan "Partitioning and Mapping Nested For-Loops on Multiprocessor Systems" Vivek Sarkar, Guang R. Gao, U.S.A. "Optimization of Array Accesses by Collective Loop Transformations" D. Kulkarni, K.G. Kumar, A. Basu, A. Paulraj, India "Loop Partitioning for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors as Unimodular Transformations" DATA DEPENDENCE ANALYSIS Michael Wolfe, U.S.A. "Experiences with Data Dependence Abstractions" Kleanthis Psarris, Xiangyun Kong, David Klappholz, U.S.A. "Extending the I Test to Direction Vectors" William Pugh, U.S.A. "Uniform Techniques for Loop Optimization" INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS Bill Appelbe, Kevin Smith, Kurt Stirewalt, U.S.A. "PATCH - A New Algorithm for Rapid Incremental Dependence Analysis" Ken Kennedy, Kathryn McKinley, Chau-Wen Tseng, U.S.A. "Analysis and Transformation in the ParaScope Editor" PARALLEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES I Satoshi Sekiguchi, Toshio Shimada, Kei Hiraki, Japan "Sequential Description and Parallel Execution Language DFCII for Dataflow Supercomputers" O. Kraemer-Fuhrmann, T. Brandes, Germany "GRACIA, a Software Environment for Graphical Specification, Automatic Configuration and Animation of Parallel Programs" PARALLEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES II Fujio Yamamoto, Japan "Solving Banded Systems Using a Parallel Programming Language with Hierarchically Data Descriptive Features" Charles Koelbel, Piyush Mehrotra, U.S.A. "Programming Data Parallel Algorithms on Distributed Memory Machines Using Kali" PARALLEL NUMERIC ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS Haesun Park, L. Magnus Ewerbring, U.S.A "An Algorithm for the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition on Massively Parallel Computers" Christian Bischof, Andreas Griewank, David Juedes, U.S.A. "Exploiting Parallelism in Automatic Differentiation" K.P. Traar, M. Stiftinger, O. Heinreichsberger, S. Selberherr, Austria "Three-Dimensional Simulation of Semiconductor Devices on Supercomputers" A. Boehm, J. Brehm, H. Finnemann, Germany "Parallel Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Solving the Neutron Diffusion Equation on SUPRENUM" NON-NUMERIC ALGORITHMS Alok Choudhary, Sanjay Ranka, U.S.A. "Mesh and Pyramid Algorithms for Iconic Indexing" Markus Hegland, Switzerland "Implementing "Partition" on Vector Computers" E.-G. Talbi, P. Bessiere, France "A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the Graph Partitioning Problem" MASSIVELY PARALLEL AND HIGH-PERFORMANCE MACHINE ARCHITECTURES H. Kadota, K. Kaneko, I. Okabayashi, T. Okamoto, T. Mimura, Y. Nakakura, A. Wakatani, M. Nakajima, J. Nishikawa, K. Zaiki, T. Nogi, Japan "Parallel Computer ADENA: Its Architecture and Application" Peter Jones, Hojung Cha, U.K. "The HyperDynamic Architecture (Massively Parallel Message-Passing Machine) - Architecture and Performance" Jochen Gries, Axel Hahlweg, Ralf Harneit, Axel Kern, Hans Christoph Zeidler, Germany "High Performance Communication for MIMD Supercomputers" D. Windheiser, W. Jalby, France "Behavioral Characterization of Decoupled Access Execute Architectures" SYSTOLIC ARRAY ARCHITECTURES E. Chow, J. Peterson, M. Waterman, U.S.A. "A Systolic Array Processor for Biological Information Signal Processing" Herbert G. Mayer, Brent Baxter, U.S.A. "Software and Hardware Parallelism on the iWarp Systolic Array Architecture" CACHE COHERENCE PROBLEMS David J. Lilja, Pen-Chung Yew, U.S.A. "Combining Hardware and Software Cache Coherence Strategies" Yung-Chin Chen, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, U.S.A. "A Software Coherence Scheme with the Assistance of Directories" SCHEDULING ON PARALLEL SYSTEMS Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, Shivakumar Radhakrishnan, Don Radvan, Canada "Routing and Processor Allocation on a Hypercycle-based Multiprocessor" N.P. Chrisochoides, E.N. Houstis, C.E. Houstis, U.S.A. "Geometry Based Mapping Strategies for PDE Computations" Xiaodong Zhang, U.S.A. "Dynamic and Static Load Balancing for Solving Block Bordered Circuit Equations on Multiprocessors" PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS I Willi Schoenauer, Hartmut Haefner, Germany "Supercomputers: Where are the Lost Cycles?" Wolfgang E. Nagel, Markus A. Linn, Germany "Parallel Programs and Background Load: Efficiency Studies with the PAR-Bench System" Jukka Helin, Rudolf Berrendorf, Germany "Analyzing the Performance of Message Passing Hypercubes: A Study with the Intel iPSC/860" Hock-Beng Lim, Pen-Chung Yew, U.S.A. "Parallel Program Behavioral Study on a Shared-Memory" Vipin Kumar, Anshul Gupta, U.S.A. "Analysis of Scalability of Parallel Algorithms and Architectures" PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS II Byung-Chang Kang, U.S.A. "Performance Analysis of Multistage Combining Networks Using a Probabilistic Model" D. Bradley, G. Cybenko, H. Gao, J. Larson, F. Ahmad, J. Golab, M. Straka, U.S.A. "Supercomputer Workload Decomposition and Analysis" CONFERENCE VENUE The conference will be held at the : Queens Hotel Duerener Strasse 287 D-5000 Cologne 41 Germany Phone: +49-221-4676-0 The Queens Hotel is located in the western part of the city. With public transport you may reach the city center in about 15 minutes. REGISTRATION For conference registration and hotel reservation forms please contact Ruediger Esser by means of the above mailing address or John R. Sopka Digital Equipment Corporation TAY 1-2 / H03 151 Taylor Street Littleton, Massachusetts 01460, U.S.A. E-mail: (Internet) The registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, coffee and refreshments, lunches, and the social events except the expenses for the conference dinner. FEES Before May 15 After May 15 Members DM 480 $ 320 DM 630 $ 420 Non-Members DM 600 $ 400 DM 780 $ 520 Students DM 210 $ 140 DM 270 $ 180 Member registration is open for members of ACM, AFCET, AICA, BCS, GI, IEEE-CS, IPSJ, SBMAC, and SIAM. The membership number must be supplied on the registration form. For student registration, a proof of full-time student status (e.g. a copy of your current student identification card) must be included. The student registration fee does not include lunches. Conference dinner DM 50 $ 35 The conference dinner is partly sponsored by KFA. Due to the limited facilities, the number of participants is limited. Therefore, we advise you to register early. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. ACCOMMODATION AND RESERVATION Reservations at the following special room rates have been arranged with the Queens Hotel and with other hotels within walking distance of the Queens Hotel. Single Room Double Room Cat. A DM 145 DM 215 Cat. B DM 70 DM 120 Category A rooms are fully equipped with shower, private WC, color TV and telephone. Category B rooms are more simply equipped. The room rates include a breakfast buffet for Cat. A, or a continental breakfast for Cat. B. In order to take advantage of these special rates your registration form must be returned before May 15, 1991. Hotel reservations received after this date will be subject to availability of accommodation. The conference has appointed the Cologne Tourist Office to handle the assignment of hotel reservations. Rooms will be assigned in order of receipt and participants will receive a written confirmation from the Tourist Office. Payment for accommodations must be made at the hotel when you leave. CANCELLATIONS Conference registration cancellations must be in writing. Those postmarked by June 1, 1991 will receive a full refund except for a fee of DM 60 ($ 40). For later cancellations, only a 50 % refund will be granted. If you have to change or cancel your hotel reservation, notify your hotel directly. The cancellation must not be later than one week before the scheduled day of arrival, otherwise you may be liable for full payment. ENTRY-REGULATIONS Coming from abroad, please check with your travel agent or local emigration authorities on whether a (valid) passport, tourist card or visa is necessary for residents of your country to visit Germany. COLOGNE Cologne, a well-known city by the Rhine river in the western part of Germany with 2000 years of history, offers a variety of attractions. Besides the Romanesque churches, the Altstadt (Old Town), and the many museums, the Cologne Cathedral is a perfect example of the High Gothic style of all the world's large churches. Although the city conveys the cosmopolitan touch, romantic nooks and crannies may be found at every turn. The many pubs, bars, and ale-houses provide a friendly and comfortable atmosphere. GET-TOGETHER AND CHECK-IN An informal get-together will take place on Sunday, June 16, from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. at the Queens Hotel. The conference registration desk will also be open at this time for participants to pick up their conference material as well as helpful local information. OTHER SOCIAL EVENTS In the evening of Monday, June 17, there will be a reception for all participants and accompanying persons in the city hall of Cologne. On Wednesday afternoon, June 19, a guided tour through Cologne will be organized, including a visit to the Cologne Cathedral and to one of the city's famous museums. That evening the conference dinner will be held at the Botanical Gardens, called Flora, for which all participants and guests are invited to purchase tickets. HOW TO TRAVEL TO COLOGNE By air: - via Cologne/Bonn airport. From the airport you may take a taxi to your hotel (fare about DM 40). Buses to the city center leave every 20 minutes (Bus No. 170, fare DM 3.60). From the city center, you should take a taxi to your hotel (fare about DM 10). - via Duesseldorf airport. The suggested and most convenient way to Cologne Central Railway Station (in the city center) is the Lufthansa Airport Express. By train: There are direct train connections between Cologne and all major European cities. By car: Several motorways, namely A1, A3, and A4, run into the Cologne motorway ring (see map). The Queens Hotel, providing about 100 parking spaces, can be easily reached by leaving the motorway A1 at exit 'Koeln-Loevenich' (see map). WEATHER For the conference, we have ordered pleasant, sunny and dry weather with average temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius during the day. But be prepared in any case for our normal weather -- rain every other day. IMPORTANT DATES May 15, 1991 Deadline for advance registration and hotel reservation June 16, 1991 Get-together and check-in June 17-21, 1991 Conference ================================================================================ John R. Sopka Digital Equipment Corp. TAY 1-2 / H03, 151 Taylor Street, Littleton, MA 01460 ================================================================================ -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell