[comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ] Presentation List description wanted

burfitt@latcs1.oz (Kevin Burfitt) (10/06/89)

I am looking for any information or references to the 'presentation list'
structure which is used by the ISODE routines  pl2pe and pe2pl.

The structure is officially described as:

	" A presentation list is identical to a presentation stream, but 
	  instead of using a binary representation, a list uses an ASCII
	  text representation with a simple LISP-like syntax. "

All I have found is a few examples, but I need a complete description of the
list structure/syntax. 

If anyone has any information, or references, could you please let me know
by e-mail.

                                  Kevin Burfitt

Sorry Miss, I was giving myself a lube job. - Robby, Forbidden Planet