[comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ] your mail

wheeler@JULIET.MITRE.ORG (Brien L. Wheeler) (03/19/91)


In response to:
> Hi,


> 	I am using the TNetListen and TNetAccept commands to establish
> a server connection.  My problem is I need to get the listen socket
> number after performing the TNetListen call.  From what I can see,  all of
> the "listen" related data structures and routines that access them are 
> static to the file tsaplisten.c.
> 	Is there a way to get this socket number?  Any help would be
> appreciated.  Please email any responses.

Sure, but it is an ugly hack.  Basically, you :

    /* Open /dev/null to find out what the next available file desc is */
    fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
    if (fd == -1)
        adios("Can't open /dev/null ?!?!?");

    /* Close down file desc so it will be assigned in TNetListen */

    /* Perform TNetListen.  Socket allocated will be given the same file
       desc just closed down */
    if (TNetListen(ta, td) == NOTOK)
        adios("Can't listen on OSI address");

    /* fd contains the file descriptor of the socket opened for OSI listen. */

As I said, it is ugly, but it does work.

> Thanks in Advance

No problem.


BTW, what are you trying to do with ISODE?

Brien L. Wheeler
Member of Technical Staff
The MITRE Corporation