[comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ] vms isode 6.8

P.Kay@MASSEY.AC.NZ (04/13/91)

The vms port of ISODE version 6.8 is now ready.

It embarrasses me to have to say that although we have now been connected to
the Internet for more than a year, our host names are not part of the DNS.
Neither do we have an anonymous ftp host. (Sorry Bob - I'm no longer in

(Still, from past experience, quite a few people are less fortunate than I!)

If you are connected to the Internet and would like a copy, drop me a line
and I'll tell you how to ftp it. If you are not, then send me your
street address and I'll mail you a 1.2Mb PC-DOS floppy with it on.

I haven't had too much time to test all the programs thoroughly, but pepsy
seems to be working fine.

The interfaces supported have grown since last time - we now have backends for
CMUTEK, Wollongong, Multinet, UCX (Thanks to Ken Keys) and PSI.
I have also thrown away all the pd makefile stuff. Building the suite is now
done by DCL files, and is (hopefully) foolproof. The GNU c compiler is also

    Peter Kay (PKay@massey.ac.nz)