[comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ] ES-IS NSAP?

cmilono@netcom.COM (Carlo Milono) (05/10/91)

 I am looking for the actual Pseudo-MAC addresses for a TP4 imnplementation
for the ES.IS-ES Group Multicast and the ES.IS-IS Group Multicast.  I 
understand that there was a TOP/NetBIOS discussion that got blessed by
the NIST on this regard, but have yet to find any paper documention on
this subject.  I need help!

Here is what I found:

IS-ES: 09002b000004

but my router thinks differently!  I found it wants:
IS-ES: 030000000200 (cisco...)

Has there been an addendum or change to the 1988 NIST agreement?  IS
cisco wrong on this matter?  I can edit the initialization tables to
conform to cisco's router, but am concerned that this will preclude my
ability to connect to a multi-vendor OSI/NetBIOS network...yes?

|  Carlo Milono:  cmilono@netcom.apple.com   or   apple!netcom!cmilono     |
|"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign,  |
|that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."   - Jonathan Swift   |

srussert@bcsaic.UUCP (Steve Russert) (05/25/91)

NIST Stable Implementation Agreements Ver.2 Ed.4 agrees...
ALL-ES= 09 00 2B 00 00 04
ALL-IS= 09 00 2b 00 00 05
Our Cisco MGS uses these addresses also.

Steve Russert
