[comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ] ASN.1

D.Stocksmeier@CS.UCL.AC.UK (Dirk Stocksmeier) (05/24/91)


I am looking for a book which deals with the use of ASN.1 Macro definitions
and maybe the impact on ASN.1 compilers. The only things I have are the 
standard itself and The Open Book. Is there anything else?

Thank you!

D.Stocksmeier@CS.UCL.AC.UK (Dirk Stocksmeier) (05/30/91)

	 Omnicom's "Open Systems Data Transfer" of April 1988 has a tutorial
	 on it.

	 If you can't get a copy of it, let me know. If it's legal, 
	 I'll send you a copy.

Thank you fro your reply!
It seems as if I can't get a copy of it from someone here around. 
Therfore I'd appreciate if you could send me one. 
Nevertheless, I don't know at all about the legal component.

Thank you
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* Dirk Stocksmeier
* daytime:                                      private:
* University College London                     60 A, Sylvan Avenue,
* Department of Computer Science                Wood Green,
* Gower Street,                                 London N22 5HY,
* London WC1E 6BT,                              United Kingdom
* United Kingdom
* Tel.:   +44 71 380 7215
* Fax:    +44 71 380 1397
* E-Mail: 
*  (Janet)    dstocksm@uk.ac.ucl.cs 
*  (Internet) dstocksm@cs.ac.ucl.uk 
*  (X400)     /G=Dirk/S=Stocksmeier/OU=cs/O=ucl/PRMD=uk.ac/ADMD=gold 400/C=gb/ 