[gnu.emacs.gnews] funny little bug with marking files

tittle@alexandre-dumas.ics.uci.edu (Cindy Tittle) (01/19/90)

This is mostly posted in the hopes that bugs are being taken
down somewhere in a "to do" list even though I know that
current activity is nil...

The following sequence inevitably puts gnews into an infinite loop:

I exit from one newsgroup, having m(arked) the last article and
q(uit) from it (btw, it should be easier to mark articles and 
get out of the newsgroup...), and enter the next, which happens
to kill all of the articles in it.  It will kill the articles over
and over again.  The problem does not appear if this second group
contains articles which pass my kill files.  It also does not appear
when the first group has no marked articles left over (i.e., most
of the time, there is no problem at all when all new articles in
a group get killed -- it is only when the group just read prior
to it has marked unread articles).


as the cat climbed over the top of      | ARPA: tittle@ics.uci.edu
the jamcloset first the right forefoot  | BITNET: tittle@uci.bitnet
carfully then the hind stepped down     | UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucivax!tittle
into the pit of the empty flowerpot     | USNAIL: POB 4188, Irvine CA 92716