[gnu.bash.bug] BASH Input Editing

martin.walter%sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.dbp.de@RELAY.CS.NET (07/06/89)

Hello friends,

I just installed your great BASH on my Sun3/60 under SunOS 3.5
with only few problems in readline.c and builtins.c which 
possibly occured because I used /bin/cc and not gcc.

Now I wanted to map the editing features to my sun keyboard.
But it seems to me that I have no chance to use the multi-
character keys like R1=\E[208z, R2=\E[209z and so on.

Is it correct that I can only use 1 or 2 character sequences
in key mapping? 

Input editing is the important advantage over /bin/sh. So
if I can not use my keyboard, bash is not very useful to me.

Please tell me, that I am wrong or that you have a bash version
which allows what I want.

Thanks in advance!

With best regards,

Martin Walter

University Computing Center
D-7800 Freiburg i.Br.

    Telephon: +49 761/203-4532
E-Mail (RFC): martin.walter@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.dbp.de
     (X.400): G=martin;S=walter;OU=sun1;OU=ruf;P=uni-freiburg;A=dbp;C=de

paul@cacilj.UUCP (Paul Close) (07/07/89)

In article 760, martin.walter writes:

>Now I wanted to map the editing features to my sun keyboard.
>But it seems to me that I have no chance to use the multi-
>character keys like R1=\E[208z, R2=\E[209z and so on.


>Input editing is the important advantage over /bin/sh. So
>if I can not use my keyboard, bash is not very useful to me.

I agree.  Especially when it comes to arrow keys.  When I use emacs, I *never*
mess around with ^N, ^F, ^B, ^P -- I use the arrow keys!  (I get hopelessly
confused because ^F moves point to the right, but is actually to the *left* of
^B which moves left....)  This is the main reason I use vi mode in the Korn
shell.  Also, for us Korn shell users, it would be nice if the "r" command was
implemented.  i.e. "r v" is equivalent to "!v" and "r" is equivalent to "!!".
Easier to type, too.

So please include arrow keys!  Function keys would be nice, too.
Paul Close	paul@cacilj.CTS.COM 	...!{uunet, ucsd, crash}!cacilj!paul

    The Obi-wan Kenobi method:  "Use the Source, Luke"	-Jim Fulton