[gnu.bash.bug] Some change requests, some questions, etc.

rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) (07/20/89)

It would be great if I could have \R and \r for enter and exit reverse
video in the prompt.

It would be nice to have a shell variable that controls whether the
readline stuff does a beep or a visible bell.

Since shell functions apparently have to end with a semicolon, and since
"&;" gets a syntax error, I've had to do this.  Is this a bug or feature?
    function bxmf() {
	make -k "$@" >foo 2>&1 &
	: ;

Also, given the following:
    TTY=`tty | sed -e s:/dev/ttyp::`
    host=`hostname | tr a-z A-Z | sed -e s/.BBN.COM//`

    # The ^[ stands for ESCAPE, twice, below.
    function pwd() {
	echo -n "^[]lBASH@${host}(${TTY}):$PWD^[\^H"

Doing a "pwd" still leaves a blank line on my tty.  A bug in "echo -n"?
Also doing a "type pwd" mangles the banner line.  Could things be changed
so that the control chars are dumped out in their printable form when
displaying functions, aliases, etc?

Is there no easy way to get or set the keybindings at run-time?  And a
list of what the functions are?  I know this will probably involve new
hooks into the new readline and history libraries.

Is there a variable I can set to turn off the modification indicator in
the prompt?

BASH is way cool.  It's not yet my login shell, but soon.  Thanks!
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